This introduced species mix designed to meet the Pennsylvania USDA-NRCS 327 Standard Conservation Cover Technical Guidance Reference #122. Appropriate for CRP/CREP/EQIP CP1 practices on Well Drained, Moderately Well Drained, Somewhat Poorly Drained and Poorly Drained Soils. Click on title to place an order or to view species and rates. Mix Summary: Grass (1 species, 96.13 seeds/ft2, 70.6%), Wildflowers (3 species, 40.04 seeds/ft2; 29.4%). Wildflowers include 3 legumes (40.04 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 8 PLS#s/ac (4 species, 136.17 seeds/ft2). Updated 1/26/2024
Includes (#s/ac): Timothy (4), Clover, Alsike (1), Clover, Red (2), and Clover, Ladino (1).