KS PF/QF CRP & EQIP Mix #2. Achieves 23.54 seeds per square foot and mix ratio is 75% grass to 25% forbs.
Includes (#s/ac): Bluestem, Big (VNS) (0.9), Sideoats grama (local, vns) (0.6), Switchgrass (VNS) (0.75), Bluestem, Little (VNS) (0.8), Indiangrass (local or vns) (0.9), Partridge Pea (0.18), Prairie Clover, White (0.09), Prairie Clover, Purple (0.09), Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) (0.25), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (0.1), Coreopsis, Plains (0.01), Indian blanket (0.15), Sunflower, Maximillian (0.18), Coneflower, Grayheaded (Yellow) (0.07), Susan, Black-eyed (0.01).