CO PF CRP SAFE: Montezuma Mix

CO PF CRP SAFE Montezuma Mix with 20 species exceeding standards and specifications of NRCS SAFE Program. Click on PDF below to view mix in the PF Seed Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Blue grama (0.12), Wheatgrass, Thickspike (0.85), Junegrass, Prairie (0.08), Wildrye, Basin (0.34), Needlegrass, green (0.48), Sagebrush, Wyoming Big (0.2), Alfalfa (VNS) (0.4), Yarrow (0.02), Milkvetch, Cicer (0.13), Beeplant, Rocky Mountain (0.14), Coreopsis, Plains (0.02), Blanketflower (0.22), Flax, blue (0.06), Sainfoin (w pods) (0.7), Penstemon, Palmer's (0.05), Penstemon, Rocky Mountain (0.05), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (0.05), Small burnet (0.62), Updated January 2024. 

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(250.0 acres available)