TX PF Pollinator (non CRP)

TX PF Pollinator (non CRP). This mix is designed by wildlife professionals to provide excellent habitat for pollinators and upland game birds. It includes 17 species of wildflower and 6 native grasses. It was NOT designed to meet specific CRP Pollinator (CP42) practice standards. These species do well in a variety of soils and site conditions. Click on PDF to view in the PF Seed Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Leadplant (0.1), Butterfly Milkweed (0.05), Sideoats Grama (1), Partridge Pea (0.5), Rocky Mountain Beeplant (0.15), Lanceleaf Coreopsis (0.1), Plains Coreopsis (0.05), White Prairie Clover (0.2), Purple Prairie Clover (0.2), Illinois Bundleflower (0.5), Purple Coneflower (0.25), Sand lovegrass (0.05), Indian blanket (0.3), Maximillian Sunflower (0.5), Blue Flax (0.1), Evening primrose (0.05), Switchgrass (VNS) (0.3), Prairie Coneflower (0.3), Black-eyed Susan (0.08), Little Bluestem (0.3), Indiangrass (0.2), Sand Dropseed (0.01), Crimson Clover (0.8). Updated January 2024. 

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(245.5 acres available)