MS and AL Blackbelt Region Pollinator Mix - mesic/dry (NO GRASS)

This 29 species, diverse pollinator mix contains NO GRASSES and is designed for the Blackbelt Prairie Region of Mississippi and Alabama

It meets the standards for CRP/EQIP/CSP pollinator plantings and most other conservation programs (3+ species in each bloom period for a total of 9+ species total) (***Be sure to check eligibility with your NRCS office if you are purchasing for a program***)

Mix summary: Grass (0 species, %PLS 0, seeds sqft 0), Forbs/Legumes (29 species, %PLS 100, seeds sqft 37.010).

Total seeds/sqft: 37.010.

This mix is pre-bulked with 6 lbs/acre rice hulls to help seed flow through drill or broadcast seeder.

All species are combined into one mix. If you need your seed separated or NOT bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated: 8/28/24.


Includes (#s/ac): Rice Hulls (filler) (6), Partridge Pea (0.5), Prairie Clover, White (0.2), Prairie Clover, Purple (0.4), Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) (0.5), Lespedeza, Roundhead (Bushclover) (0.05), Lespedeza, slender (0.04), Yarrow (0.05), Milkweed, Butterfly (Butterflyweed) (0.04), Marigold, Swamp (0.05), Aster, False (White Doll's Daisy) (0.03), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (0.3), Coreopsis, Plains (0.02), Coneflower, Purple (0.4), Rattlesnake Master (0.1), Sunflower, False (Oxeye) (0.3), Mint, Lemon (0.06), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (0.085), Mint, Dotted (Spotted Bee Balm) (0.04), Evening primrose, Common (0.06), Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) (0.07), Coneflower, Grayheaded (Yellow) (0.2), Susan, Black-eyed (0.1), Susan, Brown-eyed (0.12), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (0.02), Aster, Smooth Blue (0.04), Aster, New England (0.035), Spiderwort, Ohio (Common) (0.04), Alexander, Golden (0.2), Ragweed (0.5), 

How much seed would you like to purchase?

(1000.0 acres available)