IA PF CP33 Quail Tallgrass 20/20 Mix

CP33 Bobwhite/Upland bird Buffer, great for North Iowa. This 22 species CP33 mix is designed to meet the Iowa USDA requirements for CP33 Tallgrass plantings. Mix has 20 grass seeds and 20 forb seeds per square foot. The CP-33 Buffer 20-20 mix is designed for non-highly erodible land or you can plant it on the top of the field or bottom (crossrows). 

Includes (#s/ac): Bluestem, Big (VNS) (0.953), Brome, Arctic (Prairie Brome, Kalm's Brome) (0.034), Junegrass, Prairie (0.014), Switchgrass (VNS) (0.778), Indiangrass (local or vns) (0.454), Dropseed, Tall Composite (Rough) (0.726), Dropseed, Sand (0.011), Milkvetch, Canada (0.4), Partridge Pea (0.706), Prairie Clover, White (0.43), Prairie Clover, Purple (0.454), Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) (0.324), Tick-trefoil, Showy (Canada) (0.05), Tick-trefoil, Illinois (0.063), Lespedeza, Roundhead (Bushclover) (0.034), Gentain, Pale (Yellow) (Cream) (0.01), Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) (0.031), Beardtongue, Large (shell leaf) (0.097), Cinquefoil, prairie (potentilla) (0.024), Coneflower, Grayheaded (Yellow) (0.091), Susan, Black-eyed (0.089), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (0.014).

Click on PDF below to view mix in the IA NRCS seed calculator.

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(979.0 acres available)