IA PF CP2 Wet Prairie 30/10 Mix

This 14 species species mix designed to meet the 327 Conservation Cover standard for CP2 on wet sites.30 grass seeds and 10 forb seeds per square foot. To view mix in the IA NRCS seed calculator or to order, click on title above. 

Includes (#s/ac): Bluestem, Big (VNS) (1.089), Sedge, Bottlebrush (Porcupine Sedge) (0.091), Sedge, troublesome (0.109), Sedge, Fox (0.109), Wildrye, Virginia (cool season) (1.945), Fowl manna grass (0.068), Bulrush, green (Dark green) (0.038), Woolgrass (0.01), Milkweed, Swamp (Marsh) (0.284), Sneezeweed (0.031), Great St Johns Wort (Giant) (0.029), Seedbox (0.004), Loosestrife, winged (0.002), Vervain, Blue (0.059).

Click on PDF below to view in the IA NRCS seed calculator.

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(999.5 acres available)