IA PF CP25 Dense Bedding 30/10 Mix

This 16 species, CP25 30/10 mix is designed to do what the title implies- Provide a dense bedding area. Check with your local NRCS prior to ordering when purchasing as a Conservation Program mix.

Includes (#s/ac): Bluestem, Big (VNS) (2.178), Wildrye, Virginia (cool season) (1.296), Switchgrass (VNS) (0.778), Indiangrass (local or vns) (1.815), Dropseed, Tall Composite (Rough) (0.726), Partridge Pea (0.252), Prairie Clover, White (0.143), Prairie Clover, Purple (0.227), Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) (0.162), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (0.039), Goldenrod, Stiff (Rigid) (0.033), Cinquefoil, prairie (potentilla) (0.018), Coneflower, Grayheaded (Yellow) (0.091), Susan, Black-eyed (0.044), Aster, Smooth Blue (0.025), Culver's Root (0.0034).

Click on PDF below to view mix in the IA NRCS Seed Calculator.

How much seed would you like to purchase?

(860.0 acres available)