NM PF Pecos Canadian Plains Wildlife Range Mix

NM PF Pecos Canadian Plains Wildlife Range Mix well suited for the Pecos/Canadian Plains and Valley Region/Zone 3. Mix achieves 59 Pure Live Seeds per foot squared including Winterfat and Four Winged Saltbush, along with 7 native wildflowers and 8 native grasses. Click on mix title to place an order and to view species and rates of mix in the PFQF Seed Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Yarrow (0.05), Saltbush, 4 wing (0.4), Sideoats grama (local, vns) (1), Buffalograss (1), Blue grama (0.5), Prairie Clover, White (0.2), Prairie Clover, Purple (0.25), Winterfat (0.2), Aster, Prairie (Tahoika daisy) (0.1), Wheatgrass, Western (1.25), Phacelia, Lacy (0.2), Galleta Grass (0.25), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (0.4), Bluestem, Little (VNS) (1), Alkali sacaton (0.3), Dropseed, Sand (0.09). Updated January 2025.

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(500.0 acres available)