NM PF Mesa Wildlife Range Mix. More suited for the Plateau & Mesa Region/Zone 1 achieving 64 Pure Live Seeds per square foot and includes Winterfat and Fourwing Saltbush, along with 5 wildflowers and 9 grasses. Click on mix title to place an order and to view species and rates in the PFQF Seed Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Indian Ricegrass (0.75), 4 Wing Saltbush (0.4), Sideoats Grama (0.75), Blue grama (0.45), White Prairie Clover (0.2), Bottlebrush squirreltail (1), Indian blanket (0.4), Winterfat (0.2), Lewis Flax (0.2), Prairie Aster (0.1), Western Wheatgrass (1.25), Palmer's Penstemon (0.2), Galleta grass (0.5), Little Bluestem (1), Alkali sacaton (0.4), Sand Dropseed (0.1). Updated January 2025.