WI PF Mix Q - CP38E CP25 Wet (WPHRA)

Standard WI NRCS-developed Native CRP mix CP38E CP25 Wet WPHRA consisting of 16 species: Cwrye-Indian-Switch-BB-Fsedge-Pcord-Fmgrass-Cup-Ttrefoil-Bvervain-Galex-MM-Bon-Ciron-Jpye-Croot. 

Includes (PLS#s/ac): Golden Alexander (0.0625), Common Boneset (0.0313), Culver's Root (0.0156), Cup Plant (0.125), Ironweed (0.0313), Spotted Joe-Pye Weed (0.0313), Swamp Milkweed (0.0625), Showy Tick-trefoil (0.125), Blue Vervain (0.0625), Big Bluestem (0.5), Fowl manna grass (0.25), Indiangrass (0.75), Prairie Cord grass (0.5), Fox Sedge (0.5), Switchgrass (VNS) (0.75), Canada Wildrye (1).

Click on below PDF to view the species and rates included in this mix in the WI NRCS seed calculator.

How much seed would you like to purchase?

(1000.0 acres available)