WI CP 43 Basic Prairie Strip Mix

This CP 43 Prairie Strip Mix consists of 22 species and meets and exceeds the NRCS standard. Recommended for Prairie Strips on little to no slope, under 5% slope.

Includes (PLS#s/ac): Golden Alexander (0.05), Smooth Blue Aster (0.04), Foxglove Beardtongue (0.01), Wild Bergamot (0.04), Grayheaded Coneflower (0.1), Purple Coneflower (0.17), Lanceleaf Coreopsis (0.07), Culver's Root (0.002), Evening primrose (0.025), Stiff Goldenrod (0.02), Common Milkweed (0.08), Partridge Pea (0.15), Purple Prairie Clover (0.05), Ohio Spiderwort (0.05), False Sunflower (0.08), Black-eyed Susan (0.1), Big Bluestem (0.8), Little Bluestem (0.8), Indiangrass (0.5), Sideoats Grama (0.8), Switchgrass (VNS) (0.3), Virginia Wildrye (0.3).

Click on below PDF to view mix in the WI seed calculator.

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(1000.0 acres available)