MN PF Monarch Pollinator Mix

A diverse 24 species mix specifically designed to provide excellent monarch habitat, meet the MN NRCS 327 CP42 Monarch / CP2 Monarch Food Plot Habitat standard and great cover for pheasants. 

Includes (#s/ac): Bluestem, Big (VNS) (0.45), Sideoats grama (local, vns) (0.5), Blue grama (0.1), Wildrye, Virginia (cool season) (0.2), Bluestem, Little (VNS) (0.4), Dropseed, Tall Composite (Rough) (0.05), Leadplant (0.015), Prairie Clover, White (0.1), Milkweed, Common (0.36), Boneset, Common (0.025), Joe-Pye Weed, Spotted (Spotted Trumpetweed) (0.05), Sunflower, Maximillian (0.03), Sunflower, False (Oxeye) (0.015), Blazingstar, Prairie (Thickspike) (0.005), Lobelia, great blue (0.028125), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (0.19), Goldenrod, Stiff (Rigid) (0.05), Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) (0.03), Beardtongue, Large (shell leaf) (0.02), Susan, Black-eyed (0.148125), Aster, Smooth Blue (0.03), Spiderwort, Ohio (Common) (0.005), Vervain, Hoary (0.035), Culver's Root (0.01).

Click below link to download a PDF of this mix in the MN NRCS calculator. 

How much seed would you like to purchase?

(1000.0 acres available)