SD Preferred CRP CP2 (102ABC, 56, 55BC, 53BC) Loamy

This 14 species mix designed to meet the NRCS 327 Conservation Cover Standard in MLRA in Eastern SD on Loamy soils. General CRP CP2 50-point mix. 

Slender Wheatgrass .35#, Little Bluestem .91#, Big Bluestem .74#, Indiangrass .34#, Sideoats Grama 1.09#, Western Wheatgrass 1.25#, Black-eyed Susan .04#, Western Yarrow .02#, Prairie Coneflower .07#, Purple Prairie Clover .19#, Maximilian Sunflower .22#, Indian Blanket .36#, Wild Bergamot .05#, Blanket Flower .35#.

Click on below PDF to view this mix in the SD seeding tool.

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(1000.0 acres available)