This 31 species pollinator mix is designed for the state of Georgia. It meets the NRCS 327 & 420 standards for Wildlife, Pollinator, and Monarch habitat seedings for CRP, EQIP, CSP, and most other conservation programs (*Be sure to check eligibility with your NRCS office if you are purchasing for a program*).
*** milkweed may need to be increased for certain NRCS programs **
Mix summary: Grass (7 species, 4.427 seeds sqft, %PLS 11.06), Forbs/Legumes (24 species, seeds sqft 35.607, %PLS 88.99). Total seeds/sqft: 40.034.
This mix is NOT pre bulked with rice hulls. If you need your mix bulked, please call or email to request.
All species are combined into one mix. If you need your seed separated please contact us directly to place your order. Updated: 1/22/25.
Includes (#s/ac): Yarrow (0.07), Ragweed (South East) (0.75), Big Bluestem (South East) (0.2), bearded beggarticks (South East) (0.5), Sedge, Fox (0.05), Partridge Pea (South East) (0.5), River Oats (South East) (0.1), Largeflower Tickseed (South East) (0.2), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (South East) (0.05), Coreopsis, Plains (0.035), Illinois Bundleflower (South East) (1), Rattlesnake Master (0.1), Boneset, Common (0.01), Indian blanket (0.1), Fowl manna grass (0.01), Sneezeweed (0.07), Narrow-leaved Sunflower (South East) (0.05), False Sunflower (0.1), Common Rush (South East) (0.0008), Lespedeza, Roundhead (Bushclover) (0.08), dense or spiked blazing star (South East) (0.1), Cardinal Flower (0.01), Seedbox (0.008), Monkeyflower, allegheny (Square-stemmed) (0.002), Bergamot, Wild (South East) (0.07), Evening primrose, Common (0.08), Mint, Narrowleaf Mountain (Slender) (0.008), Susan, Black-eyed (South East) (0.11), Bluestem, Little (Aldous) (0.1), Woolgrass (South East) (0.0008), Aster, Frost (hairy white oldfield) (hairy) (South East) (0.05)