California Seed

Quality CRP and Other Habitat Seed designed for Wildlife

CA PF Native Pollinator Central Regional Mix

$393.00 / acre   (99.5acres available)
CA PF Native Pollinator Central Regional Mix. Includes 23 native species of California origin and more suited for regions in central California. The mix achieves 52 seeds per square foot this mix provides flowering plants throughout the growing season. Click on mix title to place an order or to view species and rates of mix in the PF Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Deergrass (0.01), Needlegrass, purple (0.1), Bluegrass, Sandberg (VNS) (0.18), California melic (0.05), Lupin, Arroyo (0.2), Clover, Tomcat (0.125), Yarrow (0.125), Red maids (0.09), Clarkia, Elegant (0.2), Chinese houses (0.25), Bluedicks (0.005), Poppy, California (0.3), Gilla, globe (0.3), Gilia, birds eyes (0.3), Gum Plant (Great Valley Gumeweed) (0.2), Sunflower, Annual (0.13), Yellowray Goldfields (0.14), Tidy tips (0.15), Lupine, golden (white whorl) (0.18), Baby blue eyes (0.15), Bluebell, california (0.132), Phacelia, Great Valley (0.05), Phacelia, Lacy (0.2). Updated January 2024.

CA PF Native Pollinator Southern Regional Mix

$474.00 / acre   (99.0acres available)
CA PF Native Pollinator Southern Regional Mix. Includes 34 native species of California origin and more suited for southern California regions. Balanced at a 85% forb to 15% grass ratio achieving 50 seeds per square foot this mix provides flowering plants throughout the growing season. Click on mix title to place an order or to view species and rates of mix in the PF Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Deergrass (0.025), Foothill Needlegrass (0.05), Needlegrass, purple (0.05), Bluegrass, Sandberg (VNS) (0.25), California melic (0.1), Monkeyflower (0.005), Lupine, Sky (0.1), Lupin, Arroyo (0.1), Clover, Tomcat (0.1), Yarrow (0.1), Marigold, desert (0.08), Red maids (0.1), Beach Suncup (0.125), Clarkia, Farewell to Spring (0.15), Clarkia, Elegant (0.15), Chinese houses (0.2), Bluedicks (0.03), Buckwheat, California (E Mohave) (0.15), Poppy, California (0.4), Gilla, globe (0.2), Gum Plant (Great Valley Gumeweed) (0.2), Sunflower, Annual (0.1), Lupine, Arizona (0.03), Lupine, golden (white whorl) (0.1), Fivespot (0.1), Baby blue eyes (0.1), Bluebell, california (0.2), Phacelia, Lacy (0.1). Updated January 2024.

CA PF Brood Rearing Pollinator Mix A

$200.00 / acre   (200.0acres available)
CA PF Brood Rearing Pollinator Mix A: Species origins are outside of California. This 18 species habitat pollinator mix is used for upland brood rearing cover and to attract a variety of pollinator species. Click on mix title to place an order or to view species and rates of mix in the PF Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Yarrow (0.07), Showy Milkweed (0.25), Cicer Milkvetch (1), Yellow Beeeflower (0.2), Rocky Mountain Beeplant (0.2), Plains Coreopsis (0.06), Wildrye, Blue (0.8), Blanket Flower (0.5), Annual Sunflower (0.5), Maximillian Sunflower (0.5), Blue Flax (0.5), Alfalfa (VNS) (1), White Sweetclover (0.16), Yellow Sweetclover (0.16), Sainfoin (3), Lacy Phacelia (0.1), Sandberg Bluegrass (0.3), Black-eyed Susan (0.05). Updated January 2024.

CA PF Brood Rearing Pollinator Mix B

$191.00 / acre   (250.0acres available)
CA PF Brood Rearing Pollinator Mix B: Species origins are outside of California. This 20 species habitat pollinator mix is used for upland brood rearing cover and to attract a variety of pollinator species. Click on mix title to place an order or to view species and rates of mix in the PF Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Yarrow (0.07), Showy Milkweed (0.2), Farewell to spring clarkia (0.4), Rocky Mountain Beeplant (0.3), Lanceleaf Coreopsis (0.4), Wildrye, Blue (1), Rubber rabbitbrush (0.2), California Poppy (0.3), Blanket Flower (0.5), Indian blanket (0.35), Glob gilla (0.03), Annual Sunflower (0.7), Blue Flax (0.4), Birdsfood Trefoil (0.25), Evening primrose (0.4), Lacy Phacelia (0.2), Sandberg Bluegrass (0.2), Bluebunch Wheatgrass (0.4), Crimson Clover (0.2), Hairy vetch (0.35). Updated January 2024.

CA PF Dense Nesting Cover

$121.00 / acre   (249.0acres available)
CA PF Dense Nesting Cover: Species origins are outside of California. Diverse nesting cover including 5 grass and 4 legume/forb species for robust and dense wildlife habitat. Click on mix title to place an order or view species and rates of mix in the PF Seed Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Orchardgrass (0.6), Wildrye, Blue (1.7), Slender Wheatgrass (2), Annual Sunflower (0.5), Maximillian Sunflower (0.6), Alfalfa (VNS) (1.25), Yellow Sweetclover (0.2), Sandberg Bluegrass (0.45), Tall Wheatgrass (3). Updated January 2024.

CA PF Tall Structure Uplands Mix

$154.00 / acre   (249.0acres available)
CA PF Tall Structure Mix. Species origins are outside of California. This 5 species grass and legume mix achieves 40+ seeds/foot and is built to provide greater structure for upland bird nesting and winter cover. Click on mix title to place an order or to view in the PF Seed Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Wildrye, Blue (3), Thickspike Wheatgrass (4), Alfalfa (VNS) (2), Yellow Sweetclover (0.2), Tall Wheatgrass (5). Updated January 2024.

CA Dryland Food Plot

$75.50 / bag   (243.0bags available)
CA Dryland Food Plot. 1 Bag (65LBS) Plants 1 Acre. Click on mix title to place an order. Species (#s) Spring Triticale (35), Field Peas (18), Sorgham Sudan Grass (5), Annual Rye (3), Dakon Radish (2), Purple Top Turnups (2). Updated 2021.

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