Food Plot Seed

Quality CRP and Other Habitat Seed designed for Wildlife

**New** SS Sample Pack

$78.00 / bag
This sample packs represent and good mix of the mixes available for all species. 3 C Turkey 4 # ½ ac, Dove Kandy 5 # 1ac, Covey Rise 5 # 1ac, Big Buck Brassica 3 # 1/2ac

SS Clearfield Sunflower 10# (2acres)

$125.00 / bag
Clearfield Sunflowers will attract and drive doves, gamebirds and songbirds wild! This larger black-seed oil flower head has excellent structure and standability along with mid-season maturity. The wide range of adaptability and seed production Clearfield Sunflowers also can provide better cover than other types of sunflowers. or attracting doves, fields should be 2-10 acres in size (larger is better especially where deer pressure is high as they like to feed on young plants) and located in an open areas, ideally near a water source with bare shoreline. A few snags (dead standing trees) in the area can provide loafing areas, but sunflowers require full sun and should not be located in small fields near woody edges. Further, sunflowers do not like wet feet, so establish in a well-drained field. Consider rotating sunflowers with other food plot varieties every second or third year to reduce weed pressure and disease in soil. Planting (generally early May for Sept 1 dove field target, but may be seeded into early July) Disk field before planting (unless no-tilling), incorporating fertilizer and nutrients (lime, etc.) per soil test results, or fertilize at planting. If not testing soil, 200 pounds of 12-12-12 per acre. Soil temperature at planting should be 50 degrees or warmer. Soils should be well drained (not wet). Plant within 24 hours of fertilizing. • Best if drilled or planted in rows, but may also be broadcast. Planters or grain drill rates should be about 3-5 pounds per acre (1-2 acres per bag). • If broadcasting, recommended seeding rates for sunflowers is 6-10 pounds per acre (1/2-1 acres per bag). Broadcast and incorporate into soil by dragging, cultipacking or lightly disking. Rolling seed bed after planting will increase germination. Germination Rate: 85% Full flower at 90 days with full maturity at 110 days.

SS 2024 Clearfield Sunflower (30LB bag)

$300.00 / bag
Clearfield Sunflowers will attract and drive doves, gamebirds and songbirds wild! This larger black-seed oil flower head has excellent structure and standability along with mid-season maturity. The wide range of adaptability and seed production Clearfield Sunflowers also can provide better cover than other types of sunflowers. A 30-pound bag can plant 6-10 acres and averages 225,288 seeds per bag. For attracting doves, fields should be 2-10 acres in size (larger is better especially where deer pressure is high as they like to feed on young plants) and located in an open areas, ideally near a water source with bare shoreline. A few snags (dead standing trees) in the area can provide loafing areas, but sunflowers require full sun and should not be located in small fields near woody edges. Further, sunflowers do not like wet feet, so establish in a well-drained field. Consider rotating sunflowers with other food plot varieties every second or third year to reduce weed pressure and disease in soil. Planting (generally early May for Sept 1 dove field target, but may be seeded into early July) Disk field before planting (unless no-tilling), incorporating fertilizer and nutrients (lime, etc.) per soil test results, or fertilize at planting. If not testing soil, 200 pounds of 12-12-12 per acre. Soil temperature at planting should be 50 degrees or warmer. Soils should be well drained (not wet). Plant within 24 hours of fertilizing. • Best if drilled or planted in rows, but may also be broadcast. Planters or grain drill rates should be about 3-5 pounds per acre (6-10 acres per bag). • If broadcasting, recommended seeding rates for sunflowers is 6-10 pounds per acre (3-5 acres per bag). Broadcast and incorporate into soil by dragging, cultipacking or lightly disking. Rolling seed bed after planting will increase germination. Germination Rate: 85% Full flower at 90 days with full maturity at 110 days.

SS Lucky 13 Whitetail (25 # Bag)

$90.00 / bag
As you probably guessed from the name this mix contains 13 annual forage species whitetails can not resist. If you are tired of that typical mix that does well for a while then gets hammered all at once over night then this is the mix for you. This all inclusive well balanced spring planted mix , with all of its diversity has species that will continue to grow and mature at different rates so that the food plot is always working for you. mix seeds 1/2- 1 acre. Includes: Forage Brassica(Pasja), Rape, Kale, Forage Turnip ( Appin), Purple Top Turnip, Daikon Radish, Forage Collards, African Cabbage, Lentils, Forage soybeans, Okra, Mungbeans, Cowpeas updated 1/25

SS Switchgrass Bedding Mix**

$80.00 / bag
This Mix is designed with 5 Varieties of switchgrass to provide ideal structure for Both escape and bedding cover. From the height to the stem structure the diversity that is provided in the NEW Bedding mix will out perform single variety mixes. Mix contains 5#'s of actual Pure Lives seed Not to be confused with Bulk Mixes. \ Includes (%plsmix / ac): Switchgrass (Blackwell) (21.44%), Switchgrass (Cave N Rock) (14.24%), Switchgrass (Forestburg) (21.44%), Switchgrass (Kanlow) (21.44%), Switchgrass (Neb 28) (21.44%). Up dated 1/25

SS Whitetail Eclipse 25#

$100.00 / bag
This annual Screening and Corridor mix is designed to not only provide the height but the depth of cover as well. Utilizing the stoutest structured forage sorghums and combining that with both Egyptian wheat and grain sorghum will provide that safe haven for you your wildlife. Plant this mix to keep unwanted eyes off of your food plots or create travel corridors that both the wildlife and Yourself can use. With a planting rate of 10# per/acre that allows the production and growth desired this mix will not only grow robust during the season should stand deeper into the winter than most. this 25# bag will plant up to 2.5 acres Includes (%plsmix / ac): Milo (Grain Sorghum) (8.99%), Forage Sorghum( Magnum) (16.85%), Forage Sorghum ( Packer) (17.98%), Egyptian Wheat (56.18%), Updated 1/25

SS Whitetail Sanctuary (8# mix 13# Bag)

$125.00 / bag
1 Bag Plants 1 Acre. Click on mix title to place an order. use this mix to establish protective bedding areas, or create protected travel corridors for whitetail. you can even use this mix as a screening mix to conceal those visible small fields of your access to stands and blinds. This Native screening and or bedding mix is specially designed with highly productive varieties of our best tall Native grasses. The diversity of the grass and structures assures it will stand up to even the toughest winter storms. Includes (%plsmix / ac): Rice Hulls (filler) (0.00%), Bluestem, Big (Pawnee) (16.87%), Switchgrass (Blackwell) (20.72%), Switchgrass (Cave N Rock) (13.81%), Switchgrass (Kanlow) (20.72%), Indiangras (Neb 54) (27.89%), Updated 1/25

SS Tree Stand Treat (25# Bag)

$60.00 / bag
This specialized fall Attractant that utilizes highly desired species by whitetails and is designed to perform equally well in low light or shaded areas as well as in open area situations. This mix was developed to be planted late in summer and early fall with minimal site preparation to provide those late season benefits and will persist through winter and into spring. This 25# bag plants 1 acre and is equal to 4 1/4 acre plots . Updated 2/19/24 Includes: Rape, Forage Collards, Clover, Berseem, Clover, Arrowleaf, Awnless wheat

SS Southern Quail Quisine (12# Bag)

$60.00 / bag
This mix of carefully selected millets, ragweed and sorghum, will providing that much needed easy to digest food source that will also provide escape and brooding cover that quail, turkey, and upland birds desire. this 12# mix seeds 1-2 acres Includes : Millet, Brown top , Millet, Proso , Millet, Pearl , Milo (Grain Sorghum) , Clover, Arrowleaf , Ragweed , German millet Updated 1/25

SS MIdwest Quail Quisine (25#Bag)

$70.00 / bag
This mix of carefully selected millets, ragweed and sorghum, will providing that much needed easy to digest food source that will also provide escape and brooding cover that quail, turkey, and upland birds desire. this 25# mix seeds 2-4acres Includes (#s/ac): Millet, Brown top, Millet, Japanese, Millet, Proso, Millet, Pearl, Milo (Grain Sorghum), Clover, Berseem , German millet Updated 1/25

SS 3 C Turkey (8.5 # Bag)

$78.00 / bag
This specially designed perennial turkey mix includes the 3 species that turkeys can resist. This clover, chufa, and chicory mix seeds up to 1 acre. Includes: Forage Chicory, Clover, Ladino, Clover, White (Dutch), Chufa Updated 1/25

SS Summer Sweet Spot (25 # Bag)

$75.00 / bag
This mix has been designed for that late summer annual planting that will provide quality food source, with forage soybeans, buckwheat, winter peas, and berseem clover through fall season, but also provides the benefit of winter wheat through the winter , since the wheat species is Awnless this food plot mix will provide value all the way into summer. seeds 1/2 acre Includes : Clover, Berseem, Buckwheat, Awnless wheat, Winter pea, Forage soybeans Updated 1/25

SS Clover Kandy (10# Bag)

$85.00 / bag
Clover Kandy is the perfect blend of high protein clovers and other legumes providing the ultimate green browse for deer and turkey while providing nesting and brood-rearing cover for pheasants and quail. This mix stays green most of the year providing the ultimate all-around food plot. It can also be used for green firebreaks. Clover Kandy lasts 2-4 years before needing to replant. 1 bag plants 1 acre. Click on mix title to place an order. Updated 1/25.

SS Big Buck Brassica (6# Bag)

$60.00 / bag
1 Bag Plants 1 Acre. Big Buck Brassica is the #1 seller for hardcore deer hunters. It’s the perfect blend of forage turnips, radishes, and other brassica varieties to attract and keep deer on your property all fall and winter. The high sugar content in the mature plants attracts and keeps deer where you want them. This mix grows fast, maturing in just 45 days. Click on mix title to place an order. Updated 1/25

SS Winter Wonderland (25 # Bag)

$50.00 / bag
This late season targeted mix is designed to be planted late summer through early fall. With varieties of wheat, barley, and oats chosen for their late season and over wintering properties will provide something that no other food plot mix can provide. That quality forage hotspot all winter long. the wheat will continue through spring and into summer for those long-term annual benefits. seeds 1/4 acre. Includes : Awnless wheat, Winter oats, Winter barley Updated 1/25

SS Quick Cover

$55.00 / bag
This mix is specially designed with Sorghum Sudan blend and millets for Quick Cover establishment. It is drought resistant and will provide adequate winter cover . each bag plants 1 acre. plant from mid July to September. This mix does have a fungicide treatment applied to some products. updated 1/25

SS Fatal Fall Forage (12# Bag)

$68.00 / bag
The mix of highly desired forage brassicas and annual clovers is a mix that whitetails can not resist. This mix is designed to be planted in July to mid August in the Midwest and into mid September in the south and southeast. These forage varieties are extremely sought after by whitetails in mixes and we have combined them for you into one delectable buffet for your fall whitetail experience. This 12# bag plants 1-2 acres updated 1/25 Includes : Forage Brassica(Pasja) , Rape , Forage Turnip ( Appin), Forage Collards , Clover, Berseem , Clover, Arrowleaf ,

SS Duck Kandy (25# Bag)

$75.00 / bag
1 Bag Plants 1 Acre. 3 millet varieties and buckwheat make this mix a waterfowler's dream. This is the perfect mix for wetlands, pond edges, impoundments, and ponded fields. Average maturity is 50 - 60 days. Optimal planting time is June through late July. It can be broadcasted, drilled, or thrown out by hand. Whether you're a serious waterfowler or just want to see more wildlife on your farm, this mix will put more ducks and geese on your property. Click on mix title to place an order. Updated 1/25.

SS Dove Kandy Sunflowers (25# bag)

$55.00 / bag
1 Bag Plants 6+ Acres. Seeding at a lighter rate to cover more acres is better for larger/healthier flowers. Sunflowers rank first among the favorite foods of wildlife! Dove Kandy Sunflowers will drive your doves, game birds, and songbirds wild! This blend of small, black-seeded, high oil varieties are chock-full of energy - just the ticket to draw doves into early fall shooting fields. Use as a stand alone plot or salt into your other food plots to add diversity. Updated 1/25 Click on mix title to place an order or for more information. Maturation: 100 days, Seed Count: 8,700 seeds per pound, Target Seeding Rate: 20,000 seeds per acre

SS Blizzard Buster (25# bag)

$80.00 / bag
1 Bag Plants 4-5 Acres. Blizzard Buster is the 800-pound gorilla of winter food and cover mixes. This 5 grain and 4 tall forage sorghum blend provides maximum shelter and food for game birds in tough winter weather, especially when established in large plots. Planting near existing winter cover will enhance the character of that habitat and improve bird survival. Click on mix title to place an order. Updated 1/25.

SS Covey Rise (25# bag)

$80.00 / bag
1 Bag Plants 4-5 Acres. Covey Rise is a mix of 5 food heavy grain-bearing sorghums with bright fall colors, super food value, and great habitat structure. It creates great hunting habitat and the birds love it. Though Covey Rise is a bit less attractive to the big game that often clean out food plots, deer and turkeys happily dine on Covey Rise when conditions get tough. Click on mix title to place an order. Updated 1/25

SS Rooster Booster (25# bag)

$70.00 / bag
1 Bag Plants 3 Acres. Rooster Booster creates diverse feeding habitat for deer, turkeys, pheasants, quail, and other wildlife. It will normally outlast corn-only food plots. This early maturing mix is heavy on sorghums, corn, buckwheat, and German millet. Wide range of components insures heavy wildlife use through the hunting season and winter. Click on mix title to place an order. Updated 1/2/24.

SS Winter Shield (25# bag)

$75.00 / bag
1 Bag Plants 4-5 Acres. Winter Shield (aka Nebraska Mix) is loaded with high-yielding forage and grain sorghums and millets to provide the critical energy needed to pull your birds through the toughest winters. It creates among the best winter cover and food available for pheasants and quail. It will increase your bird's health and survival while providing a haven for other wildlife. Click on mix title to place an order. Updated 1/25.

SS Early Longtail Milo (25# bag)

$75.00 / bag
1 Bag Plants 4-5 Acres. Short growing seasons are no longer a barrier to good food production for wildlife. Early Longtail Milo is an early maturing grain sorghum that provides a heavy seed crop in as little as 85 days in normal growing conditions. It makes for great hunting habitat that affords maximum visibility of your bird dogs while working cover. Click on mix title to place an order. Updated 1/25

SS Western Food and Cover (25# bag)

$80.00 / bag
1 Bag Plants 3-4 Acres. The Western Mix is designed for drier climates that uses short maturity varieties, but it can also create a two year cover plot. It includes an exclusive blend of sunflowers, forage and grain sorghums, sudan grass, sweet clover, and millets. Click on mix title to place an order. Updated 1/25

SS Buck, Bird, and Brood Food (25# Bag)

$95.00 / bag
1 Bag Plants 1 Acres. Bird, Buck, & Brood Food is a highly-diverse blend of high protein legumes, forbs, brassicas, and small grains providing the ultimate buffet for deer and turkey while providing nesting and brood-rearing cover for pheasants and quail. This mix provides early season food sources, late season food sources, and year-round cover. It is literally the “Jack-of-all-trades” food plot. Click on mix title to place an order. Updated1/25

SS Whitetail 365 (25# Bag)

$57.50 / bag
1 Bag Plants 0.5 Acres. Whitetail 365 is exactly what its name implies. It’s the perfect Throw & Go mix for any situation on any farm. It can be planted anytime from early spring through late fall. The combination of oats, rye, and peas ensures that something is always growing and providing forage for deer year-round. It can be grown on the toughest ground in the toughest conditions. Click on mix title to place an order. Updated 1/25

DIY Habitat Site Prep Kit ( with 2 4-D)

$75.00 / bag
Site prep Kit designed to provide best management principles to prepare sites for establishment. When applied at the proper use rate and time, this treatment will provide initial control of unwanted vegetation prior to food plot establishment. Controlling unwanted vegetation prior to planting is a critical first step in successful food plot establishment. Treats 1 acre at recommended rates Kit includes: Eraser Glyphosate (2 quart), 2,4-D Amine(quart), and Activator 90(8oz)

DIY Habitat Kit Selective Grass Control in Clover & Brassicas

$70.00 / bag
This kit is designed with Best Management Principles. Provides selective postemergence control of annual and perennial grasses within certain broadleaf crops such as alfalfa, clover, and brassica species. Only susceptible plants emerged at the time of application will be controlled. Will treat up to 2 acres at recommended rates Kit Includes: Ceridian 2EC: (Pint), Activator 90( 8oz). For use with the following signature series food plot mixes: Clover Kandy Dove Kandy C Turkey Lucky 13 Fatal Fall Forage Big Buck Brassica

Chicory (2lb/PLS)

$40.00 / bag
2 lbs PLS of Forage Chicory. Great addition to existing mixers or add directly to our Clover Kandy Food pot mix for that added advantage.

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