$245.00 / acre
(494.0acres available)
This 31 species mix meets Indiana USDA FSA and NRCS Specifications for the 420 Wildlife Habitat Planting Standard on mesic and wet mesic (mostly well drained, somewhat poorly drained and poorly drained) soils. This mix may be used on the following Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Practices: CP2, CP21, CP23/23A, CP25 Short-Stature Prairie, CP33 (field borders), CP38E (SAFE - Bobwhite, Pheasant, Henslow's Sparrow), CP42 (Pollinator) and CP43 (Prairie Strips). It can also be used on all CSP, EQIP and WRE practices (including monarchs). Click on mix title to place your order or view species and rates in the Indiana Seed Calculator. Click on mix title to place your order or view species and rates. This mix is NOT bulked with rice hulls. If you need your seed bulked please use the Rice Hulls or Oats at the top of the Indiana State Seed Page. Updated 1/15/2025