Mississippi Seed

Quality CRP and Other Habitat Seed designed for Wildlife

WE DO CUSTOM MIXES (** milkweed may need to be increased for certain NRCS programs **)

$0.00 / acre   (0.0acres available)
Can't find the right mix for your project? Our team of wildlife biologists have worked to design mixes that meet standards, provide great habitat for wildlife AND are affordable, but if you can't find the mix you need for your project let us know at 866-914-7373 or seed@pheasantsforever.org where we can provide a quote for a locally designed mix, direct you to the right mix or work with you to create a custom mix for your project. Think Habitat!

MS and AL Blackbelt Region Pollinator Mix - mesic/dry

$253.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
This 36 species, diverse pollinator mix is designed for the Blackbelt Prairie Region of Mississippi and Alabama. It meets the standards for CRP/EQIP/CSP pollinator plantings and most other conservation programs (3+ species in each bloom period for a total of 9+ species total) (***Be sure to check eligibility with your NRCS office if you are purchasing for a program ***** milkweed may need to be added OR increased for certain NRCS programs **) * If you would like milkweed added to this mix, please call to request ** Mix summary: Grass (5 species, %PLS 9.69, seeds sqft 3.670), Forbs/Legumes (31 species, %PLS 90.31, seeds sqft 34.212). Total seeds/sqft: 37.882. This mix is pre-bulked with 6 lbs/acre rice hulls to help seed flow through drill or broadcast seeder. All species are combined into one mix. If you need your seed separated or NOT bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated: 1/22/25.

MS and AL Blackbelt Region Pollinator Mix - mesic/dry (NO GRASS)

$256.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
This 40 species, diverse pollinator mix contains NO GRASSES and is designed for the Blackbelt Prairie Region of Mississippi and Alabama It meets the standards for CRP/EQIP/CSP pollinator plantings and most other conservation programs (3+ species in each bloom period for a total of 9+ species total) (***Be sure to check eligibility with your NRCS office if you are purchasing for a program***)***** milkweed may need to be increased for certain NRCS programs ** Mix summary: Grass (0 species, %PLS 0, seeds sqft 0), Forbs/Legumes/sedge (40 species, %PLS 100, seeds sqft 40.013). Total seeds/sqft: 40.013. This mix is pre-bulked with 6 lbs/acre rice hulls to help seed flow through drill or broadcast seeder. * If you would like milkweed added to this mix, please call to request ** All species are combined into one mix. If you need your seed separated or NOT bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated: 1/22/25.

MS General Diverse pollinator mesic-dry

$274.00 / acre   (999.5acres available)
This 36 species mix is designed for pollinator plantings in Mississippi. It meets the standards for CRP/EQIP/CSP pollinator plantings and most other conservation programs (3+ species in each bloom period for a total of 9+ species total) (***Be sure to check eligibility with your NRCS office if you are purchasing for a program ***** milkweed may need to be added OR increased for certain NRCS programs **) Mix summary: Grass (5 species, %PLS 9.84, seeds sqft 3.612), Forbs/Legumes (31 species, %PLS 90.16, seeds sqft 33.108). Total seeds/sqft: 36.980. This mix is pre-bulked with 5 lbs/acre rice hulls to help seed flow through drill or broadcast seeder. All species are combined into one mix. If you need your seed separated or NOT bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated: 1/22/25.

MS General Diverse pollinator mesic-dry (NO GRASS)

$275.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
This 29 species mix is designed for pollinator plantings in Mississippi and has NO GRASS. It meets the standards for CRP/EQIP/CSP pollinator plantings and most other conservation programs (3+ species in each bloom period for a total of 9+ species total) (***Be sure to check eligibility with your NRCS office if you are purchasing for a program ***** milkweed may need to be added OR increased for certain NRCS programs **) Mix summary: Grass (0 species, %PLS 0, seeds sqft 0), Forbs/Legumes (29 species, %PLS 100, seeds sqft 36.031). Total seeds/sqft: 36.031. This mix is pre-bulked with 6 lbs/acre rice hulls to help seed flow through drill or broadcast seeder. All species are combined into one mix. If you need your seed separated or NOT bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated: 1/22/25.

MS General Diverse pollinator mesic-wet

$250.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
This 41-species diverse seed mix is designed for mesic-wet sites in Mississippi. It meets the standards for CRP/EQIP/CSP pollinator plantings and most other conservation programs (3+ species in each bloom period for a total of 9+ species total) (***Be sure to check eligibility with your NRCS office if you are purchasing for a program***** milkweed may need to be increased for certain NRCS programs **) Mix summary: Grass (7 species, %PLS 13.65, seeds sqft 5.958), Forbs/Legumes (34 species, %PLS 86.35, seeds sqft 37.698). Total seeds/sqft: 43.656. This mix is pre-bulked with 6 lbs/acre rice hulls to help seed flow through drill or broadcast seeder. All species are combined into one mix. If you need your seed separated or NOT bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated: 1/22/25.

MS General BASIC pollinator mix mesic-dry (no grass)

$204.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
This 19 species, BASIC pollinator mix is designed for Mississippi. It meets the standards for CRP/EQIP/CSP pollinator plantings and most other conservation programs (3+ species in each bloom period for a total of 9+ species total) (***Be sure to check eligibility with your NRCS office if you are purchasing for a program***** milkweed may need to be increased for certain NRCS programs **) Mix summary: Grass (0 species, %PLS 0, seeds sqft 0), Forbs/Legumes (19 species, %PLS 100, seeds sqft 33.214). Total seeds/sqft: 33.214 This mix is pre-bulked with 6 lbs/acre rice hulls to help seed flow through drill or broadcast seeder. All species are combined into one mix. If you need your seed separated or NOT bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated: 1/22/25.

MS General BASIC pollinator mix mesic-wet

$229.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
This 26-species BASIC seed mix is designed for mesic-wet sites in Mississippi. It meets the standards for CRP/EQIP/CSP pollinator plantings and most other conservation programs (3+ species in each bloom period for a total of 9+ species total)(***Be sure to check eligibility with your NRCS office if you are purchasing for a program***** milkweed may need to be increased for certain NRCS programs **) Mix summary: Grass (4 species, %PLS 11.45, seeds sqft 4.6), Forbs/Legumes (22 species, %PLS 88.55, seeds sqft 35.590). Total seeds/sqft: 40.190. This mix is pre-bulked with 7 lbs/acre rice hulls to help seed flow through drill or broadcast seeder. All species are combined into one mix. If you need your seed separated or NOT bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated: 1/22/25.

MS Basic Delta Pollinator Mix

$229.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
This 23 species, basic pollinator mix is designed for the DELTA Region of Mississippi. It meets the standards for CRP/EQIP/CSP pollinator plantings and most other conservation programs (3+ species in each bloom period for a total of 9+ species total)(***Be sure to check eligibility with your NRCS office if you are purchasing for a program***** milkweed may need to be increased for certain NRCS programs **) ** milkweed may need to be added or increased for certain NRCS programs * Mix summary: Grass (3 species, %PLS 10.59, seeds sqft 4.263), Forbs/Legumes (20 species, %PLS 89.41, seeds sqft 35.992). Total seeds/sqft: 40.255. This mix is pre-bulked with 7 lbs/acre rice hulls to help seed flow through drill or broadcast seeder. All species are combined into one mix. If you need your seed separated or NOT bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated: 1/22/25.

MS Monarch Pollinator - more milkweed, NO GRASS

$463.00 / acre   (99.0acres available)
This 32 species, diverse pollinator mix is designed for Mississippi and is heavier on milkweed than our other Mississippi mixes. It meets the standards for CRP/EQIP/CSP pollinator plantings and most other conservation programs (3+ species in each bloom period for a total of 9+ species total) (***Be sure to check eligibility with your NRCS office if you are purchasing for a program***** milkweed or grasses may need to be increased for certain NRCS programs **) * If you would like grasses added to this mix, please call to request ** Mix summary: Grass (0), Forbs/Legumes (32 species, %PLS 100, seeds sqft 40.107). Total seeds/sqft: 40.107. This mix is pre-bulked with 6 lbs/acre rice hulls to help seed flow through drill or broadcast seeder. All species are combined into one mix. If you need your seed separated or NOT bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated: 1/28/25.

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