$90.00 / acre
(496.0acres available)
Includes 28 species of native and introduced annual/biannual/perennial wildflowers and legumes. Mix achieves 25 seeds per square foot that bloom throughout the growing season and is balanced at 70% forbs and 30% grass. Confirm with your conservation planner before you use this mix for your NRCS project. Click on mix title to place an order or to view mix in the PF Seed calculator.Includes (#s/ac): Yarrow (0.01), Hyssop, Fragrant Giant(anise) (Blue Giant) (0.06), Milkvetch, Canada (0.08), Milkvetch, Cicer (0.16), Balsamroot, Arrowleaf (0.02), Beeplant, Rocky Mountain (0.08), Coreopsis, Plains (0.02), Prairie Clover, White (0.04), Prairie Clover, Purple (0.07), Blanketflower (0.1), Sunflower, Maximillian (0.1), Flax, blue (0.1), Aster, Prairie (Tahoika daisy) (0.01), Alfalfa (VNS) (0.4), Sweetclover, White (0.05), Sweetclover, Yellow (0.05), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (0.035), Goldenrod, Stiff (Rigid) (0.11), Sainfoin (w pods) (0.8), Penstemon, Rocky Mountain (0.05), Phacelia, Lacy (0.4), Bluegrass, Sandberg (VNS) (0.25), Wheatgrass, Bluebunch (0.65), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (0.15), Susan, Black-eyed (0.04), Small burnet (0.5), Globemallow, scarlet (0.01), Clover, Red (0.1). Updated January 2025.