Ohio Seed

Quality CRP and Other Habitat Seed designed for Wildlife

OH Bulk Mix With Rice Hulls Filler (2.5lbs/acre)- $5/acre

$5.00 / acre   (9703.5acres available)
OH Bulk Mix With Rice Hulls Filler (2.5lbs/acre)- $5/acre Ohio mixes can now be shipped with the Rice Hull filler pre-mixed with any seed mix. When adding this option to your order 2.5lbs of Rice Hulls will be added per acre to help with No-till drilling (Fluffy Box) or broadcasting. Order the same number of acres of this option as your seed mix. $5/acre.

OH Bulk Mix with Oats (5lbs/acre)- $8/acre

$8.00 / acre   (9761.0acres available)
OH Bulk Mix with Oats (5lbs/acre)- $8/acre Ohio mixes can now be shipped with the Oats pre-mixed with any seed mix. When adding this option to your order 5lbs of Oats will be added per acre to help with No-till drilling (Fluffy Box) or Broadcasting. Order the same number of acres of this Oats mix as your seed mix. $5/acre.

OH CRP # 1 NWSG CP2, CP4D, CP9, CP21, CP29,CP23, CP23A, CP27/28, CP39, CP40 Minimal Grass Diverse

$228.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This High-Quality Native Warm Season Grass and Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix meets OH CRP NWSG CP2, CP4D, CP9, CP21, CP29,CP23, CP23A, CP27/28, CP39, CP40 - Minimal grass seeding standards. Mix Summary: Grass (8 species, 12.453 seeds/ft2, 25.03%), Wildflowers (32 species, 37.309 seeds/ft2; 74.97%). Wildflowers include 6 legumes (9.471 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 6.344 PLS#s/ac (40 species, 49.762 seeds/ft2). These mixes are not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre. Updated 1/8/2025 .

OH CRP # 2 NWSG CP2, CP4D, CP9, CP21, CP29,CP23, CP23A, CP27/28, CP39, CP40 , and NRCS 420- Diverse

$225.00 / acre   (990.5acres available)
This is a High-Quality Native Warm Season Grass and Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix that meets OH CRP NWSG CP2, CP4D, CP9, CP21, CP29,CP23, CP23A, CP27/28, CP39, CP40 and NRCS 420 Wildlife - Diverse seeding standards. Mix Summary: Grass (8 species, 18.861 seeds/ft2, 37.83%), Wildflowers (32 species, 30.998 seeds/ft2; 62.17%). Wildflowers include 7 legumes (8.076 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 5.98 PLS#s/ac (40 species, 49.859 seeds/ft2). These mixes are not bulked if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH State Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH CRP # 3 NWSG CP2, CP4D, CP9, CP21, CP29,CP23, CP23A, CP27/28, CP39, CP40 - Inundated

$217.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This is a High-Quality Native Warm Season Grass and Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix meets OH CRP NWSG CP2, CP4D, CP9, CP21, CP29,CP23, CP23A, CP27/28, CP39, CP40 - Inundated seeding standards. Mix Summary: Grass (9 species, 24.217 seeds/ft2, 48.39%), Wildflowers (22 species, 25.827 seeds/ft2; 51.61%). Wildflowers include 3 legumes (5.790 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 6.056 PLS#s/ac (31 species, 50.00 seeds/ft2). These mixes are not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH State Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH CRP #4 NWSG CP2, CP4D, CP9, CP21, CP29,CP23, CP23A, CP27/28, CP39, CP40 Minimum Species

$266.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This mix meets OH CRP NWSG CP2, CP4D, CP9, CP21, CP29,CP23, CP23A, CP27/28, CP39, CP40 - Minimum Species Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (5 species, 18.083 seeds/ft2, 38.57%), Wildflowers (7 species, 28.8 seeds/ft2; 61.43%). Wildflowers include 2 legumes (14.066 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 10.7 PLS#s/ac (12 species, 46.887 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH CRP #5 CSG CP1, CP9, CP21, CP23, CP23A, CP27/28, CP39, CP40

$80.00 / acre   (499.5acres available)
This mix meets OH CRP NWSG CP1, CP4D, CP9, CP21, CP29,CP23, CP23A, CP27/28, CP39, CP40 - Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (2 species, 103.880 seeds/ft2, 68.58%), Wildflowers (8 species, 45.423 seeds/ft2; 30.42%). Wildflowers include 5 legumes (41.888 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 11.7 PLS#s/ac (10 species, 149.303 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH CRP #6 NWSG CP25 ,CP38E-4D Upland Bird SAFE (Pheasant),CP43 Tall Grass Minimum Species

$200.00 / acre   (494.0acres available)
This is a Native Warm Season Grass and Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix that meets OH CRP NWSG CP25 & CP43 Tall Grass Minimum Species Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (6 species, 16.699 seeds/ft2, 35.89%), Wildflowers (12 species, 26.446 seeds/ft2; 64.11%). Wildflowers include 3 legumes (4.745 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 6.655 PLS#s/ac (18 species, 43.145 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH CRP #7 NWSG CP33 ,CP 43 Short Grass Minimum Species

$227.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This is a Native Warm Season Grass and Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix. This mix meets OH CRP CP33 & CP43 Short Grass Minimum Species Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (6 species, 15.10 seeds/ft2, 33.41%), Wildflowers (14 species, 26.7 seeds/ft2; 66.59%). Wildflowers include 5 legumes (6.61 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 6.62 PLS#s/ac (120 species, 41.8 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH CRP #8 CP42 No Grass - Minimum Species

$186.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This is a Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix. This mix meets OH CRP CP42 No Grass - Minimum Species Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2, 0%), Wildflowers (12 species, 38.829 seeds/ft2; 100%). Wildflowers include 4 legumes (8.671 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 4.99 PLS#s/ac (12 species, 38.829 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH CRP #9 CP42 and NRCS EQIP 420 Pollinator Diverse Species No Grass

$197.00 / acre   (882.5acres available)
This is a High-Quality Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix. This mix meets OH CRP CP42, and NRCS 420 EQIP Pollinator Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2, 0%), Wildflowers (35 species, 48.350 seeds/ft2; 100%). Wildflowers include 7 legumes (8.12 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 4.987 PLS#s/ac (35 species, 48.350 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH CRP #10 CP42 and NRCS EQIP 420 Pollinator Diverse Species W/ Grass

$220.00 / acre   (957.0acres available)
This is a High-Quality Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix . This mix meets OH CRP CP42 and NRCS EQIP 4200 Pollinator Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (6 species, 8.797 seeds/ft2, 17.79%), Wildflowers (35 species, 40.663 seeds/ft2; 81.21%). Wildflowers include 7 legumes (8.12 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 5.786 PLS#s/ac (41 species, 49.461seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH CRP #11 CP25,CP38E-4D Upland SAFE (Pheasant), and CP43 Tall Grass Diverse Species

$232.00 / acre   (957.0acres available)
This is a High-Quality Native Warm Season Grass and Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix. This mix meets OH CRP CP25 ,CP43, and NRCS EQIP Wildlife Tall Grass Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (9 species, 18.545 seeds/ft2, 378.83%), Wildflowers (33 species, 30.478 seeds/ft2; 62.17%). Wildflowers include 7 legumes (6.72 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 6.217 PLS#s/ac (42 species, 49.023 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH CRP #12 CP4D, CP33,CP38E-4D Upland Bird SAFE (Quail, Pheasant), CP43, and NRCS EQIP Wildlife Short Grass Diverse Species

$231.00 / acre   (924.0acres available)
This is a High-Quality Native Warm Season Grass and Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix. This mix meets OH CRP CP4D, CP33, CP43, and NRCS EQIP Wildlife Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (7 species, 15.480seeds/ft2, 31.86%), Wildflowers (31 species, 33.111 seeds/ft2; 68.14%). Wildflowers include 8 legumes (8.266 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 6.686 PLS#s/ac (39 species, 48.591 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH CRP # 14 CP38E-4D Quail CSG 40% Upland SAFE Diverse Species

$193.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This is a High-Quality Cool Season Grass and Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix. This mix meets OH CRP CP38E-4D Quail Upland SAFE Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (2 species, 20.72 seeds/ft2, 42.04%), Wildflowers (27 species, 28.568 seeds/ft2; 57.96%). Wildflowers include 8 legumes (10.962 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 5.763 PLS#s/ac (27 species, 49.286 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH CRP #15 CP38E-4D Quail CSG 25% Upland SAFE Diverse Species

$181.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This is a High-Quality Cool Season Grass and Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix. This mix meets OH CRP CP38E-4D Quail Upland SAFE Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (2 species, 12.307 seeds/ft2, 25.15%), Wildflowers (31 species, 36.629 seeds/ft2; 74.85%). Wildflowers include 8 legumes (8.335 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 5.189 PLS#s/ac (33 species, 48.936 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH CRP #16 CP38E-4D Pheasant CSG Upland SAFE Diverse

$183.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This is a High-Quality Cool Season Grass and Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix. This mix meets 2021 CRP CP38E-4D Pheasant Upland SAFE Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (2 species, 103.88 seeds/ft2, 75.8%), Wildflowers (26 species, 33.11 seeds/ft2; 24.2%). Wildflowers include 6 legumes (10.67 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 11.14 PLS#s/ac (28 species, 136.99 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH CRP #18 NWSG CP2, CP4D, CP9, CP21, CP29,CP23, CP23A, CP27/28, CP39, CP40 - Diverse Wet

$226.00 / acre   (495.0acres available)
This is a High-Quality Native Warm Season Grass and Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix. This mix meets OH CRP CP2, CP4D, CP9, CP21, CP29,CP23, CP23A, CP27/28, CP39, CP40 Diverse Wet Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (11 species, 19.673 seeds/ft2, 40.23%), Wildflowers (31 species, 29.224 seeds/ft2; 59.77%). Wildflowers include 5 legumes (5.121 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 4.979 PLS#s/ac (42 species, 48.897 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH CRP #20 CREP CSG CP1, CP9, CP21, CP23, CP23A, CP27/28, CP39, CP40- 2

$83.00 / acre   (499.0acres available)
This is a High-Quality Regionally Appropriate mix that meets OH CREP CSG CP1, CP9, CP21, CP23, CP23A, CP27/28, CP39, CP40- 2 Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (3 species, 118.4 seeds/ft2, 72.27%), Wildflowers (8 species, 45.423 seeds/ft2; 27.73%). Wildflowers include 5 legumes (41.888 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 11.45 PLS#s/ac (11 species, 163.823 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH NRCS EQIP 420 Monarch/ Pollinator No Grass

$218.00 / acre   (492.5acres available)
This is a High-Quality Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix. This mix meets OH EQIP 420 Monarch, Pollinator, and Wildlife Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2, 0%), Wildflowers (23 species, 29.485 seeds/ft2; 100%). Wildflowers include 4 legumes (4.622 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 3.12 PLS#s/ac (23 species, 29.485 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH NRCS EQIP 420 Monarch/ Pollinator With grass

$261.00 / acre   (928.0acres available)
This is a High-Quality Regionally Appropriate Native Warm Season Grasses, Forb and Legume mix. This mix meets OH NRCS EQIP Monarch, Pollinator, and Wildlife Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (6 species, 8.09 seeds/ft2, 21.5%), Wildflowers (23 species, 29.485 seeds/ft2; 78.5%). Wildflowers include 4 legumes (4.622 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 3.96 PLS#s/ac (29 species, 37.575 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH NRCS High Value Monarch/ Pollinator No Grass

$654.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This is a High-Quality Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix. This mix meets 2021 NRCS CSP Monarch and Pollinator Enhancement Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2, 0%), Wildflowers (22 species, 38.848 seeds/ft2; 100%). Wildflowers include 2 legumes (3.28 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 5.015 PLS#s/ac (22 species, 38.848 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH NRCS High Value Monarch/ Pollinator With grass

$687.00 / acre   (499.5acres available)
This is a High-Quality Regionally Appropriate Native Warm Season Grass, Forb and Legume mix. This mix meets OH NRCS CSP Monarch and Pollinator Enhancement Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (6 species, 9.12 seeds/ft2, 19%), Wildflowers (22 species, 38.848 seeds/ft2; 81%). Wildflowers include 2 legumes (3.28 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 6.29 PLS#s/ac (28 species, 47.966 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH EQIP NRCS Woodland Shade Mix

$275.00 / acre   (496.5acres available)
This 36 species mix of regionally appropriate shade tolerant species is specifically designed to meet NRCS 420 Native species standards targeting woodland plantings. Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (4.02%), Bentgrass, Auturmn (Upland) (13.53%), Onion, Nodding Wild (Pink) (0.15%), Columbine (Red Columbine) (0.65%), Milkweed, Swamp (Marsh) (0.20%), Milkweed, Common (0.19%), Oats, Jerry (3.95%), Marigold, Swamp (1.55%), Blue Joint grass (2.53%), Sedge, Prairie Oval (Shortbeak Sedge) (1.31%), Inland Seaoats (0.41%), Mistflower, Blue (0.85%), Coneflower, Purple (1.24%), Wildrye, Canada (Mandan) (6.48%), Sedge, Eastern Bottlebrush (0.32%), Virginia Wild Rye (4.36%), Lovegrass, Purple (5.05%), Tall Thoroughwort (Tall Boneset) (0.90%), Boneset, Common (1.44%), Fowl manna grass (4.33%), False Sunflower (1.50%), Great St Johns Wort (Giant) (3.43%), Blazingstar, Marsh (Dense) (0.99%), Lobelia, great blue (4.51%), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (3.16%), Goldenrod, Stiff (Rigid) (1.98%), Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) (5.86%), Beardtongue, Hairy (5.59%), Susan, Black-eyed (8.30%), Cup Plant (0.06%), Aster, Calico (2.25%), Aster, New England (1.24%), Spiderwort, Ohio (Common) (0.14%), Vervain, Blue (4.23%), Wingstem, Yellow (0.12%), Culver's Root (3.18%), Updated 1/25

OH EQIP NRCS Woodland Shade Pollinator Mix

$310.00 / acre   (497.5acres available)
This highly diverse mix of Regionally Appropriate shade tolerant native species and been specifically designed to meet NRCS 420 Pollinator standards and targets planting in a woodland setting. Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (4.01%), Bentgrass, Auturmn (Upland) (4.50%), Onion, Nodding Wild (Pink) (0.15%), Columbine (Red Columbine) (0.65%), Milkweed, Swamp (Marsh) (0.30%), Milkweed, Common (0.28%), Oats, Jerry (3.94%), Marigold, Swamp (1.55%), Blue Joint grass (2.52%), Sedge, Prairie Oval (Shortbeak Sedge) (1.30%), Inland Seaoats (0.41%), Mistflower, Blue (0.84%), Coneflower, Purple (1.55%), Wildrye, Canada (Mandan) (3.23%), Sedge, Eastern Bottlebrush (0.31%), Virginia Wild Rye (2.17%), Lovegrass, Purple (2.52%), Tall Thoroughwort (Tall Boneset) (0.90%), Boneset, Common (1.44%), Fowl manna grass (2.88%), False Sunflower (2.40%), Great St Johns Wort (Giant) (4.27%), Blazingstar, Marsh (Dense) (0.99%), Lobelia, great blue (6.75%), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (6.30%), Goldenrod, Stiff (Rigid) (1.98%), Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) (7.02%), Beardtongue, Hairy (5.58%), Susan, Black-eyed (8.28%), Cup Plant (0.06%), Aster, Calico (3.37%), Aster, New England (2.47%), Spiderwort, Ohio (Common) (0.18%), Vervain, Blue (8.44%), Wingstem, Yellow (0.12%), Culver's Root (6.34%), Updated 1/25

OH NRCS WLFW NWSG Grazing 3 species MIx

$204.00 / acre   (488.5acres available)
OH NRCS WLFW NWSG Grazing Mix 3 species . Mix Summary: Grass (3 species, 46.57 seeds/ft2, 100%), Wildflowers (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2; 0%). Wildflowers include 0 legumes (0 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 11.5 PLS#s/ac (3 species, 46.57 seeds/ft2). Updated 1/5/2024

OH NRCS WLFW NWSG Grazing 2 species Mix

$203.00 / acre   (498.5acres available)
OH NRCS WLFW NWSG 2 Species Grazing mix. Mix Summary: Grass (2 species, 45.24 seeds/ft2, 100%), Wildflowers (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2; 0%). Wildflowers include 0 legumes (0 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 12 PLS#s/ac (2 species, 45.24 seeds/ft2). Updated 1/5/2024

OH NRCS WLFW Grazing Forbs and Legumes Mix Standard

$48.00 / acre   (495.0acres available)
This standard forb mix meets NRCS WLFW program standards for a standard mix. Mix Summary: Grass (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2, 0%), Wildflowers (7 species, 24.07 seeds/ft2; 100%). Wildflowers include 4 legumes (16.23 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 4.05 PLS#s/ac (7 species, 24.07 seeds/ft2). Updated 1/5/2024

OH NRCS WLFW Grazing Mix Forbs Diverse Addition

$47.00 / acre   (498.5acres available)
This Forb mix is high value species addition to a Grazing and Forb mix. It is not a stand alone seeding. Mix Summary: Grass (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2, 0%), Wildflowers (4 species, 0.85 seeds/ft2; 100%). Wildflowers include 2 legumes (0.56 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 0.4 PLS#s/ac (4 species, 0.85 seeds/ft2). Updated 1/5/2024

Ohio Winter Cover (Blackwell Switchgrass) (SAFE)

$48.00 / acre   (879.0acres available)
This Winter Cover Meets the Standard for SAFE winter cover seeding requirements. Mix Summary: Grass (1 species, 35.81 seeds/ft2, 100%), Wildflowers (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2; 0%).Wildflowers include 0 legumes (0 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 4 PLS#s/ac (1 species, 35.81 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

Ohio Firebreak

$36.00 / acre   (492.0acres available)
Mix Summary: Grass (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2, 0%), Wildflowers (5 species, 44.482 seeds/ft2; 100%). Wildflowers include 5 legumes (44.48 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 6.5 PLS#s/ac (5 species, 44.482 seeds/ft2). This mix is not bulked, if you need bulking please add that by the acre using the Oats or Rice Hulls at the top of the OH Page. Updated 1/8/2025

OH Critical Area Mix

$325.00 / acre   (498.5acres available)
Mix designed for use on critical area plantings. Mix Summary: Grass (4 species, 987.14 seeds/ft2, 97.6%), Wildflowers (2 species, 24.16 seeds/ft2; 2.4%). Wildflowers include 1 legume (15.71 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 58 PLS#s/ac (6 species, 1011.3 seeds/ft2). Updated 1/5/2024

OH Annual Mix

$51.00 / acre   (413.5acres available)
Mix Summary: Grass (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2, 0%), Wildflowers (5 species, 15.91 seeds/ft2; 100%). Wildflowers include 1 legumes (0.96 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 1.55 PLS#s/ac (5 species, 15.91 seeds/ft2). This mix is now pre bulked with 10lbs/acre of rice hulls and all species are combined into one mix and bag. If you need your seed separated and or non bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated 1/5/2024

OH MCM Pollinator Plot

$69.00 / acre   (230.0acres available)
This is a High-Quality Regionally Appropriate Forb and Legume mix . This mix meets OH CRP MCM Pollinator Seeding Standards. Mix Summary: Grass (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2, 0%), Wildflowers (19 species, 24.4 seeds/ft2; 100%). Wildflowers include 5 legumes (4.4 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 2.32 PLS#s/ac (19 species, 24.4 seeds/ft2). This mix is now pre bulked with 10lbs/acre of rice hulls and all species are combined into one mix and bag. If you need your seed separated and or non bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated 1/5/2024

OH MCM Wildflower

$46.00 / acre   (451.0acres available)
This Mix is designed as an enhancement mix and should not be used as a standalone new seeding. Mix Summary: Grass (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2, 0%), Wildflowers (14 species, 21.75 seeds/ft2; 100%). Wildflowers include 5 legumes (6.15 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 1.6 PLS#s/ac (14 species, 21.75 seeds/ft2). This mix is now pre bulked with 10lbs/acre of rice hulls and all species are combined into one mix and bag. If you need your seed separated and or non bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated 1/5/2024

OH MCM Contractor

$38.00 / acre   (404.5acres available)
This Mix is designed as an enhancement mix and should not be used as a stand alone seeding. Mix Summary: Grass (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2, 0%), Wildflowers (9 species, 22.24 seeds/ft2; 100%). Wildflowers include 5 legumes (7.76 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 1.89 PLS#s/ac (9 species, 22.24 seeds/ft2). This mix is now pre bulked with 10lbs/acre of rice hulls and all species are combined into one mix and bag. If you need your seed separated and or non bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated 1/5/2024


$49.00 / acre   (491.0acres available)
This Mix is designed as an enhancement and should not be used as a standalone new seeding mix. Mix Summary: Grass (5 species, 10.25 seeds/ft2, 100%), Wildflowers (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2; 0%). Wildflowers include 0 legumes (0 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 1.53 PLS#s/ac (5 species, 10.25 seeds/ft2). This mix is now pre bulked with 10lbs/acre of rice hulls and all species are combined into one mix and bag. If you need your seed separated and or non bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated 1/5/2024


$57.00 / acre   (491.0acres available)
This mix is designed as an enhancement and should not be used as a standalone new seeding. Mix Summary: Grass (9 species, 19.667 seeds/ft2, 100%), Wildflowers (0 species, 0 seeds/ft2; 0%). Wildflowers include 0 legumes (0 seeds/ft2) with a total base seeding rate of 1.535 PLS#s/ac (9 species, 19.667 seeds/ft2). This mix is now pre bulked with 10lbs/acre of rice hulls and all species are combined into one mix and bag. If you need your seed separated and or non bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated 1/5/2024

Ohio Wetland Grass/Sedge Mix

$79.00 / acre   (470.0acres available)
2.25 PLS #s, 11 Species. Click on mix title to view species and rates or to place an order. Mix Summary: Grass (11 species, 24.03 seeds/ft2, 100%). Total base seeding rate of 2.255 PLS#s/ac (11 species, 24.03 seeds/ft2). This mix is now pre bulked with 10lbs/acre of rice hulls and all species are combined into one mix and bag. If you need your seed separated and or non bulked please contact us directly to place your order. Updated 1/5/2024

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