Oregon Seed

Quality CRP and Other Habitat Seed designed for Wildlife

OR PF Native Pollinator Mix

$339.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This 16 species mix is designed to meet the standards outlined in USDA Technical Note Plant Material No. 2A, Plants for Pollinators in the Intermountain West, for areas receiving 9-12" of annual precipitation in southern Idaho, eastern Oregon, northern Nevada and northern Utah. Confirm with your conservation planner before you use this mix for your NRCS project. Click on mix title to place order and to view mix in the seed Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Yarrow (0.06), Milkvetch, Canada (0.13), Balsamroot, Arrowleaf (0.2), Prairie Clover, White (0.5), Wheatgrass, Snake River (1), Rabbitbrush, rubber (0.25), Buckwheat, Cushion (Sulfer Flower) (0.1), Blanketflower (0.75), Sunflower, Annual (0.75), Sunflower, Maximillian (0.38), Flax, Lewis (0.5), Aster, Prairie (Tahoika daisy) (0.165), Phacelia, Lacy (0.5), Bluegrass, Sandberg (VNS) (0.09), Goldenrod, Canada (0.13), Globemallow, scarlet (0.1). Updated January 2025.

OR PF Pollinator Mix

$164.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
OR PF Pollinator Mix. Including 16 species, achieving 50 seeds per square foot, the mix reflects the standards outlined in USDA Technical Note Plant Material No. 2A, Plants for Pollinators in southern Idaho, eastern Oregon, northern Nevada and northern Utah. Confirm with your conservation planner before you use this mix for your NRCS project. Click on mix title to place an order or to view mix in the PF Seed Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Yarrow (0.06), Milkvetch, Cicer (1), Beeplant, Rocky Mountain (0.3), Wheatgrass, Snake River (1), Rabbitbrush, rubber (0.2), Blanketflower (0.41), Gilla, globe (0.25), Sunflower, Annual (0.5), Sunflower, Maximillian (0.5), Flax, blue (0.5), Alfalfa (VNS) (1.35), Sweetclover, White (0.4), Sweetclover, Yellow (0.4), Sainfoin (w pods) (3), Bluegrass, Sandberg (VNS) (0.09), Small burnet (2.25). Updated January 2025.

OR PF Monarch Pollinator Mix

$219.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
A mix with 21 species: 1.5% milkweed, more than 45% of good nectar plants for monarchs, and 25% grass exceeding requirements outlined in NRCS Tech Note 71 "Monarch Butterfly Habitat Development and Maintenance". Suitable for many eco-types and climates of Oregon. Confirm with your conservation planner before you use this mix for your NRCS project. Click on mix title to place an order or view species and rates of mix in PF Seed calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Yarrow (0.05), Milkweed, Showy (0.35), Milkvetch, Cicer (0.4), Beeflower, yellow (yellow bee plant) (0.11), Beeplant, Rocky Mountain (0.17), Rabbitbrush, rubber (0.15), Blanketflower (0.4), Gilla, globe (0.28), Sunflower, Annual (0.5), Sunflower, Maximillian (0.3), Flax, blue (0.4), Alfalfa (VNS) (1), Sweetclover, Yellow (0.08), Sainfoin (w pods) (2), Penstemon, Palmer's (0.15), Phacelia, Lacy (0.2), Bluegrass, Sandberg (VNS) (0.35), Wheatgrass, Bluebunch (1.3), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (0.35), Small burnet (1.5), Globemallow, scarlet (0.04). Updated January 2025.

OR PF CRP CP25 Sharp-Tail Grouse Mix

$117.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This 9 species mix achieves a 50% grass to 50% forb ratio suitable for many CRP SAFE Programs. Check with conservation planner before using mix on NRCS project. Click on mix title to place an order or to view in the OR PF Seed Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Yarrow (0.1), Rabbitbrush, rubber (0.056), Fescue, Idaho (0.9), Wildrye, Basin (1.2), Flax, Lewis (0.22), Alfalfa (VNS) (1.7), Sainfoin (w pods) (2.8), Bluegrass, Sandberg (VNS) (0.55), Wheatgrass, Bluebunch (1.5). Updated January 2025.


$123.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This 11 species mix achieves 50 seeds/ft2 with 40% of mix with forbs/legumes suitable for many CRP SAFE Programs. Check with conservation planner before using mix on NRCS project. Click on mix title to place an order or to view in the OR PF Seed Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Yarrow (0.04), Brome, Meadow (1.75), Wheatgrass, Snake River (1.2), Fescue, Idaho (0.67), Flax, blue (0.38), Alfalfa (VNS) (2), Sainfoin (w pods) (3.8), Big Bluegrass (VNS) (0.35), Wheatgrass, Bluebunch (1), Small burnet (2), Wheatgrass, Tall (2). Updated January 2025.

OR PF Tall Structure Habitat Mix

$208.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This 8 species grass and legume mix achieves 50 seeds/foot and is built to provide greater structure for upland bird nesting and winter cover. Built at a 55% grass to 45% forb ratio. Confirm with conservation planner before using mix for NRCS project. Click on mix title to place an order or to view in the PF Seed Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Wildrye, Blue (2.5), Wheatgrass, Thickspike (2), Wildrye, Basin (1.75), Wheatgrass, Tall (3), Alfalfa (VNS) (1.5), Sunflower, Maximillian (1), Flax, blue (1), Sweetclover, Yellow (0.65). Updated January 2025.

PF Western Native Turf Mix

$126.00 / bag   (500.0bags available)
Water to establish then turn water down and let grow. Includes (#s/ac): Blue grama (1.2), Fescue, Idaho (2.2), Junegrass, Prairie (0.4), Bluegrass, Sandberg (VNS) (1.2). Updated March 2025.

OR PF Dryland Food Plot

$75.50 / bag   (248.0bags available)
OR PF Dryland Brood and Food Plot. 1 Bag (65LBS) Plants 1 Acre. Click on mix title to place an order. Species (#s) Spring Triticale (35), Field Peas (18), Sorgham Sudan Grass (5), Annual Rye (3), Dakon Radish (2), Purple Top Turnups (2). Updated 2024.

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