$50.00 / bag
(27.0bags available)
This complete kit will provide everything you need to turn 90 ordinary clay pigeons to Conversation Clays. Includes seed, chalk, 8 measuring spoons, and compostable custom stickers. An excellent youth project!
Each clay pigeon will be filled with 1/4 tsp of seed and 1/4 teaspoon of chalk before the 2.5 " compostable sticker seals with seed in place.
Mix includes: Lanceleaf coreopsis, upright coneflower, purple coneflower, plains coreopsis, crimson clover, evening primrose, Illinois bundleflower, partridge pea, annual sunflower, blackeyed Susan and blue vervain.
Click on the mix title to place your order or for links to the Conservation Clays in action!