$107.00 / acre
(202.5acres available)
This 16 species mix designed for shady sites. Click on the mix title to place an order. Includes (#s/ac): Fragrant Giant Hyssop (0.05), Columbine (0.01), False Aster (0.02), Tall Bellflower (0.005), Pointed Broom Sedge (0.1), Fox Sedge (0.1), Partridge Pea (0.5), Mist Flower (0.005), Plains Coreopsis (0.1), Virginia Wildrye (1), Purple Joe-Pye Weed (0.01), False Sunflower (0.1), Great St Johns Wort (0.02), Wild Bergamot (0.05), Brown-eyed Susan (0.05), Calico Aster (0.003). updated 4/23