Regional Mixes Seed

Quality CRP and Other Habitat Seed designed for Wildlife

Midwest Bee & Butterfly

$256.00 / acre   (493.5acres available)
This all purpose forage mix of native and honey bees will also be a buzz with butterflies. the mix consist of 49 species to satisfy the needs of all the spring , summer, and fall visitors while providing structure for the overwinter inhabitants. This mix was not designed for any program standards so please check with local offices if attempting to use for a program. updated 1/25

Southeast Bee & Butterfly

$278.00 / acre   (497.5acres available)
This all purpose forage mix of native species will be a buzz with native bees, honey bees, and will also be a buzz with butterflies. The mix consist of 38 species to satisfy the needs of spring, summer, and fall visitors while providing structure for the overwinter inhabitants. This mix was not designed for any program standards so please check with local offices if attempting to use for a program. Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (4.98%), Hyssop, Yellow Giant (1.08%), Columbine (Red Columbine) (0.30%), Milkweed, Butterfly (Butterflyweed) (0.10%), Milkvetch, Canada (2.70%), Senna, Wild (American) (0.10%), Senna, Maryland (0.31%), Partridge Pea (South East) (0.93%), Largeflower Tickseed (South East) (1.17%), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (South East) (2.74%), Coreopsis, Plains (15.95%), Coneflower, Purple (0.57%), Rattlesnake Master (0.64%), Narrow-leaved Sunflower (South East) (1.26%), Path Rush (South East) (9.97%), Lespedeza, slender (0.44%), dense or spiked blazing star (South East) (0.47%), Bergamot, Wild (South East) (3.11%), Evening primrose, Common (3.43%), Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) (4.48%), Mint, Narrowleaf Mountain (Slender) (4.48%), Coneflower, Grayheaded (Yellow) (2.24%), Susan, Black-eyed (16.54%), Susan, Brown-eyed (2.49%), Bluestem, Little (VNS) (5.98%), Starry Rosinweed (South East) (0.01%), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (0.50%), Goldenrod, Showy (0.37%), Indiangrass (South East) (2.18%), Aster, New England (1.10%), Aster, Frost (hairy white oldfield) (hairy) (South East) (2.23%), Spiderwort, Ohio (Common) (0.07%), Vervain, Blue (0.75%), Wingstem, Yellow (0.22%), White Wingstem (0.39%), Ironweed, Tall (Giant) (0.64%), Culver's Root (2.81%), Alexander, Golden (2.27%). updated 1/25

Wildlife Firebreak Mix

$36.00 / acre   (972.0acres available)
This mix provides good habitat for a variety of wildlife (pheasants, turkey, deer) and can be utilized as a burn break between your native crp projects. at 40+seeds per sqaure foot this mix provides excellent weed suppression for sites. this mix can also be utilized in and around shrub plantings. This regional mix not designed to meet a particular state standard. Includes (#s/ac): Alfalfa (VNS) (2), Clover, Alsike (0.5), Clover, Crimson (3), Clover, Ladino (0.5), Clover, White (Dutch) (0.5). Please get confirmation from your local USDA service center before utilizing on a CRP project. Updated Jan , 2025.

Quail &Turkey Habitat mix

$247.00 / acre   (475.0acres available)
This specially design mix of 25 species that target the structure and height that nesting turkeys prefer. Along with a diverse legume composition that provide high quality brooding and late season food value for all upland species. If your trying to benefit quail and or turkey on your property this is the mix for you. 17.2#'s per acre seeding rate. updated 1/25

Western Annual MIx

$105.00 / bag   (100.0bags available)
This mix is made up of mostly easy to establish annual with some biannual wildflowers . It can be used alone as an annual prairie or you can add it to any of our native mixes to reduce weed competition and increase the splash of color during the first year while the native perennials are getting established. Not designed to meet any USDA programs. Click on mix title to place an order or view species list. Updated 1/25.

Shade Mix 20

$107.00 / acre   (242.5acres available)
This 16 species mix designed for shady sites. Click on the mix title to place an order. Includes (#s/ac): Fragrant Giant Hyssop (0.05), Columbine (0.01), False Aster (0.02), Tall Bellflower (0.005), Pointed Broom Sedge (0.1), Fox Sedge (0.1), Partridge Pea (0.5), Mist Flower (0.005), Plains Coreopsis (0.1), Virginia Wildrye (1), Purple Joe-Pye Weed (0.01), False Sunflower (0.1), Great St Johns Wort (0.02), Wild Bergamot (0.05), Brown-eyed Susan (0.05), Calico Aster (0.003). updated 4/23

Tree / Shrub Vegetative Cover

$20.00 / acre   (488.0acres available)
Vegetative cover mix appropriate for use with tree and shrub plantings. Includes (%/PLS): Orchardgrass (37.14%), Timothy (0.00%), Clover, Alsike (27.21%), Clover, Crimson (12.01%), Clover, White (Dutch) (11.82%), Clover, Ladino (11.82%), Updated 1/25

Logging Road Mix

$35.00 / acre   (469.0acres available)
The Logging Road mix was designed for shaded woodland areas like logging roads. It includes a blend of 12 species of grasses and legumes. Click on mix title to place an order or to view species list. Updated Jan.2025

Southeast Quail & Turkey Habitat Mix

$236.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This mix is specially designed with 27 species that target the structure and height that nesting Turkeys and Quail prefer. Along with a diverse legume composition that provide high quality brooding and late season food value for all upland species. If your trying to benefit quail and or turkey on your property this is the mix for you. 15.00#'s per acre seeding rate. updated 1/25

Midwest Pollinator Plus

$138.00 / acre   (475.5acres available)
The 52 species Midwest Pollinator Mix was designed to meet the PFQF High Quality Habitat Standard and provide excellent cover for upland wildlife and habitat for pollinators. It was not designed to meet any particular state NRCS standard. Customers who are participating in a Federal Conservation Program like CP42 must instead purchase one of the state specific mixes designed to meet the appropriate standard. Click on mix title to view species and rates or to place an order. Updated 1/25.

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