$278.00 / acre
(497.5acres available)
This all purpose forage mix of native species will be a buzz with native bees, honey bees, and will also be a buzz with butterflies. The mix consist of 38 species to satisfy the needs of spring, summer, and fall visitors while providing structure for the overwinter inhabitants. This mix was not designed for any program standards so please check with local offices if attempting to use for a program. Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (4.98%), Hyssop, Yellow Giant (1.08%), Columbine (Red Columbine) (0.30%), Milkweed, Butterfly (Butterflyweed) (0.10%), Milkvetch, Canada (2.70%), Senna, Wild (American) (0.10%), Senna, Maryland (0.31%), Partridge Pea (South East) (0.93%), Largeflower Tickseed (South East) (1.17%), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (South East) (2.74%), Coreopsis, Plains (15.95%), Coneflower, Purple (0.57%), Rattlesnake Master (0.64%), Narrow-leaved Sunflower (South East) (1.26%), Path Rush (South East) (9.97%), Lespedeza, slender (0.44%), dense or spiked blazing star (South East) (0.47%), Bergamot, Wild (South East) (3.11%), Evening primrose, Common (3.43%), Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) (4.48%), Mint, Narrowleaf Mountain (Slender) (4.48%), Coneflower, Grayheaded (Yellow) (2.24%), Susan, Black-eyed (16.54%), Susan, Brown-eyed (2.49%), Bluestem, Little (VNS) (5.98%), Starry Rosinweed (South East) (0.01%), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (0.50%), Goldenrod, Showy (0.37%), Indiangrass (South East) (2.18%), Aster, New England (1.10%), Aster, Frost (hairy white oldfield) (hairy) (South East) (2.23%), Spiderwort, Ohio (Common) (0.07%), Vervain, Blue (0.75%), Wingstem, Yellow (0.22%), White Wingstem (0.39%), Ironweed, Tall (Giant) (0.64%), Culver's Root (2.81%), Alexander, Golden (2.27%).
updated 1/25