Rights-of-Way Mixes Seed

Quality CRP and Other Habitat Seed designed for Wildlife

RW TX Coastal Prairies Mix

$214.00 / acre   (497.0acres available)
This Mix is specifically designed with regionally appropriate species to be successful within the Texas Coastal Prairies eco- region. Includes (%/PLS): Bentgrass, Auturmn (Upland) (11.27%), Oats, Jerry (7.89%), Sedge, Fox (9.14%), Dropseed, Tall Composite (Rough) (5.35%), Wildrye, Canada (Mandan) (1.61%), Virginia Wild Rye (2.25%), Switchgrass (Blackwell) (1.83%), Bluestem, Little (Aldous) (10.14%), Purple Top Tridens (2.62%), Partridge Pea (0.92%), Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) (1.20%), Yarrow (16.07%), Milkweed, Common (0.09%), Marigold, Swamp (0.37%), Aster, False (White Doll's Daisy) (1.74%), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (1.87%), Coreopsis, Plains (9.08%), Boneset, Common (1.62%), Seedbox (1.76%), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (1.69%), Mint, Dotted (Spotted Bee Balm) (1.22%), Mint, Narrowleaf Mountain (Slender) (1.70%), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (2.08%), Susan, Black-eyed (4.44%), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (0.85%), Alexander, Golden (1.21%), updated 1/25/25

RW Temperate Prairies

$199.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This Mix is specifically designed with regionally appropriate species to be successful within the Temperate Prairies region. Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (4.65%), Oats, Jerry (11.62%), (), Sideoats grama (Pierre) (3.32%), Blue grama (12.45%), Prairie Clover, Purple (3.61%), Wildrye, Canada (Mandan) (5.96%), Wheatgrass, Thickspike (9.52%), Flax, Lewis (2.13%), Needlegrass, green (11.58%), Wheatgrass, Western (5.90%), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (3.07%), Junegrass, Prairie (12.01%), Susan, Black-eyed (7.47%), Bluestem, Little (Badlands) (10.95%), Updated 1/21/2025

RW Solar Sheep Grazing Mix

$150.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
Grazing mix designed for sheep and utilization on solar sites, this mix has no red clover in order to facilitate breeding ewes, and also a natural wormer in Birds Foot Trefoil. Includes (%/ac): Oats, Jerry (1.92%), Partridge Pea (1.43%), Coreopsis, Plains (1.92%), Orchardgrass (16.19%), Fescue, Tall (Fawn) (7.16%), Fescue, Sheep (9.33%), Red Fescue (8.42%), Rye Grass, Perennial (7.54%), Trefoil, Birdsfoot (10.29%), Timothy (16.87%), Susan, Black-eyed (2.02%), Clover, Alsike (4.77%), Clover, White (Dutch) (4.05%), Clover, Ladino (8.09%), Updated 1/22/2025

RW NM Warm Desert Clay

$202.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
This seed mix consist of regionally appropriate species designed to be successful in the warm desert ecoregion with mostly clay soils. Includes (%/ac): Oats, Spring (16.86%), (), Bluestem, Silver (Santiago) (6.07%), Sideoats grama (Vaughn) (4.82%), Buffalograss (Texoka) (1.51%), Blue grama (9.03%), Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) (2.56%), Green Sprangletop, (Van Horn) (6.48%), Galleta Grass (Viva) (3.66%), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (4.46%), Bristlegrass, Plains (4.46%), Sunflower,Awnless Bush (Plateau) (1.99%), Alkali sacaton (10.54%), Dropseed, Sand (33.73%), updated 1/21/25

RW NM Warm Desert Sandy

$175.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
This seed mix consist of regionally appropriate species designed to be successful in the warm desert ecoregion comprising of mostly sandy soils; Includes (%/PLS): Purple Three-Awn (Loma) (1.40%), Oats, Spring (15.65%), (), Sideoats grama (Vaughn) (6.71%), Blue grama (8.38%), Windmillgrass, Hooded (Mariah Germplasm) (13.97%), Prairie Clover, Purple ( Kaneb) (2.43%), Green Sprangletop, (Van Horn) (6.01%), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (4.13%), Bristlegrass, Plains (4.13%), Sunflower,Awnless Bush (Plateau) (1.84%), Alkali sacaton (9.78%), Dropseed, Sand (31.29%), Updated 1-21-2025

RW South Central Semi Arid

$239.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
This Seed mIx is specifically designed with regionally appropriate species to be successful with in the South Central Semi Arid Ecoregion. Includes (%/PLS): Bluestem, Big (Earl) (2.66%), Oats, Spring (10.28%), Bluestem, Silver (Santiago) (1.85%), Sideoats grama (Haskell) (2.94%), Blue grama (2.75%), Partridge Pea (1.55%), Windmillgrass, Shortspike(Welder) (5.51%), Coreopsis, Plains (6.06%), Prairie Clover, Purple ( Kaneb) (1.60%), Illinois Bundleflower (Sabine) (1.64%), Wildrye, Canada (Lavaca) (2.11%), Lovegrass, Sand (Bend) (5.69%), Indian blanket (1.54%), Sunflower, Maximillian (0.36%), Little Barley, (Cibolo) (5.51%), Green Sprangletop, (Van Horn) (1.98%), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (2.06%), Switchgrass (Blackwell) (0.95%), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (2.72%), Susan, Black-eyed (6.61%), Bluestem, Litte (Cimmaron) (1.76%), Bristlegrass, Plains (1.36%), Indiangrass (Cheyenne) (1.61%), Dropseed, Sand (20.57%), Tridens, White (Guadalupe) (8.33%), updated 1/21/25

RW TX Permian Basin

$245.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
This Seed mix is specifically designed with regionally appropriate species to be successful with in the Permian Basin region. Includes (%/PLS): Purple Three-Awn (Loma) (1.24%), Oats, Spring (13.88%), Bluestem, Silver (Santiago) (4.99%), Sideoats grama (Vaughn) (3.96%), Buffalograss (Texoka) (1.24%), Blue grama (7.43%), Prairie Clover, Purple ( Kaneb) (2.16%), Illinois Bundleflower (Sabine) (2.11%), Wildrye, Canada (Lavaca) (1.42%), Green Sprangletop, (Van Horn) (10.66%), Galleta Grass (Viva) (3.01%), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (3.67%), Bristlegrass, Plains (1.83%), Sunflower,Awnless Bush (Plateau) (1.64%), Indiangrass (Cheyenne) (4.34%), Alkali sacaton (8.67%), Dropseed, Sand (27.75%), updated 1/25/25

RW TX Southeastern Plains

$256.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
This Seed mix is specifically designed with regionally appropriate species to be successful with in the Southeastern Plains Ecoregion. Includes (%/PLS): Bluestem, Big (Earl) (3.72%), Oats, Spring (14.37%), Sideoats grama (Haskell) (2.05%), Sideoats grama (Vaughn) (2.05%), Buffalograss (Texoka) (0.90%), Partridge Pea (2.17%), Windmillgrass, Shortspike(Welder) (6.42%), Coreopsis, Plains (8.47%), Illinois Bundleflower (Sabine) (2.84%), Wildrye, Canada (Lavaca) (2.95%), Indian blanket (2.16%), Sunflower, Maximillian (0.71%), Little Barley, (Cibolo) (7.70%), Green Sprangletop, (Van Horn) (5.52%), Switchgrass (Blackwell) (2.67%), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (3.80%), Susan, Black-eyed (9.24%), Bluestem, Little (OK Select) (6.16%), Sunflower,Awnless Bush (Plateau) (1.02%), Indiangrass (Cheyenne) (4.49%), Indiangrass (Lometa) (4.64%), Purple Top Tridens (5.97%), updated 1/21/25

RW Temperate Prairies North

$208.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
This Seed mix is specifically designed with regionally appropriate species to be successful with in the Northern Temperate Prairies Ecoregion. Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (4.21%), Oats, Jerry (10.53%), Sideoats grama (Pierre) (3.01%), Blue grama (11.28%), Prairie Clover, White (2.09%), Prairie Clover, Purple (5.45%), Wheatgrass, Thickspike (8.63%), Wheatgrass, Slender (5.07%), Flax, Lewis (1.93%), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (4.21%), Needlegrass, green (10.49%), Wheatgrass, Western (5.35%), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (6.95%), Junegrass, Prairie (10.88%), Bluestem, Little (Itasca) (9.92%), updated 1/21/25

RW South Central Arid Plains Sandy Pasture

$137.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
Pasture mix designed with Regionally appropriate species to perform within the South Central Semi Arid Ecoregion. Includes (%/PLS): Bluestem, Big (Kaw) (8.91%), Oats, Spring (9.83%), Sideoats grama (El Reno) (4.21%), Switchgrass (Blackwell) (9.13%), Bluestem, Litte (Cimmaron) (12.64%), Indiangrass (Cheyenne) (6.14%), Dropseed, Sand (49.14%), updated 1/21/25

RW South Central Arid Plains Non-Sandy Pasture

$138.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
Pasture mix designed with Regionally appropriate species to perform within the South Central Semi Arid Ecoregion. Includes (%/PLS): Bluestem, Big (Kaw) (17.47%), Oats, Spring (16.87%), Switchgrass (Blackwell) (15.66%), Bluestem, Litte (Cimmaron) (28.92%), Indiangrass (Cheyenne) (21.08%), Updated 1/21/25

RW Appalachian Pasture Mix

$150.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This Pasture mix is specially designed with regionally appropriate species to perform well in the Appalachian Ecoregion. Includes (%/PLS): Oats, Spring (3.68%), Brome, Meadow (4.00%), Orchardgrass (18.31%), Fescue, Tall (Fawn) (8.96%), Fescue, Sheep (6.97%), Red Fescue (10.52%), Rye Grass, Perennial (6.50%), Trefoil, Birdsfoot (2.47%), Alfalfa (VNS) (5.97%), Timothy (17.10%), Clover, White (Dutch) (7.77%), Clover, Ladino (7.77%), updated 1/21/25

RW Southeastern Plains

$258.00 / acre   (430.0acres available)
This mix is specifically designed with regionally appropriate species to perform with in the Southeastern Plains Ecoregion. Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (10.74%), Bluestem, Big (Kaw) (5.56%), Bluestem, Splitbeard (2.07%), Milkweed, Common (0.13%), Oats, Jerry (5.37%), Sedge, Fox (3.07%), Partridge Pea (1.25%), Coreopsis, bigflower (0.45%), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (1.69%), Coreopsis, Plains (6.33%), Dropseed, Tall Composite (Rough) (4.71%), Prairie Clover, Purple (2.23%), Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) (3.26%), Virginia Wild Rye (2.88%), Lovegrass, Purple (2.03%), Rattlesnake Master (1.04%), Coneflower, Purple (1.47%), Lespedeza, Roundhead (Bushclover) (0.49%), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (4.30%), Mint, Dotted (Spotted Bee Balm) (1.47%), Switchgrass (Blackwell) (2.49%), Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) (3.99%), Mint, Narrowleaf Mountain (Slender) (2.78%), Susan, Black-eyed (6.91%), Bluestem, Little (Aldous) (13.81%), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (1.84%), Indiangrass (local or vns) (6.93%), Alexander, Golden (0.70%), Updated 1/21/25

RW ND Temperate Prairies

$252.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This mix is specifically designed with regionally appropriate species to perform well with in the Temperate Prairies ecoregion of North Dakota. Includes (#s/ac): Oats, Jerry (10.74%), Sideoats grama (Pierre) (7.67%), Blue grama (Bad River) (8.63%), white prairie clover (Sterns Co, MN) (2.99%), Prairie Clover, Purple ( Polk Co MN) (3.00%), Wheatgrass, Slender (16.83%), Blazingstar, Meadow (ND Native) (0.07%), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (2.97%), Needlegrass, green (17.84%), Wheatgrass, Western (Rosana) Bridger MT (17.47%), Beardtongue, Large (shell leaf)(ND Native) (1.57%), Prairie Coneflower (Stillwater) (2.84%), Bluestem, Little (Badlands) (7.37%), Updated 1/21/25

RW Western Cordillera Diverse

$245.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This mix is specifically designed with Regionally Appropriate Species to perform well in the Western Cordillera Eco-Region. Includes (#s/ac): Yarrow (5.45%), Ricegrass, Indian (3.66%), Sagebrush, Wyoming Big (29.18%), Oats, Jerry (5.45%), (), Beeflower, yellow (yellow bee plant) (0.39%), Beeplant, Rocky Mountain (0.87%), Bottlebrush squirreltail (1.85%), Wheatgrass, Thickspike (5.95%), Wheatgrass, Slender (7.88%), Fleabane, Showy (1.85%), Buckwheat, Cushion (Sulfer Flower) (0.33%), Sunflower, Annual (0.88%), Needle and thread (1.07%), Wildrye, Basin (1.96%), Wheatgrass, Western (4.43%), Penstemon, Palmer's (1.82%), Phacelia, Lacy (2.38%), Bluegrass, Sandberg (VNS) (9.73%), Wheatgrass, Bluebunch (5.41%), Globemallow, scarlet (0.10%), Alkali sacaton (6.81%), Dropseed, Sand (6.54%), updated 1/21/25

RW Western Cordillera

$258.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This Mix is Specifically designed with regionally appropriate species to perform well in the Western Cordillera Eco-Region. Includes %/PLS): Yarrow (10.19%), Ricegrass, Indian (4.28%), Sagebrush, Wyoming Big (27.29%), Oats, Jerry (5.09%), (), Beeplant, Rocky Mountain (1.75%), Bottlebrush squirreltail (1.73%), Wheatgrass, Thickspike (8.35%), Wheatgrass, Slender (7.37%), Needle and thread (1.25%), Wildrye, Basin (1.83%), Wheatgrass, Western (4.14%), Bluegrass, Sandberg (VNS) (9.10%), Wheatgrass, Bluebunch (5.06%), Globemallow, scarlet (0.18%), Alkali sacaton (7.96%), Dropseed, Sand (8.15%), Updated 1/21/25

RW Cold Desert Diverse

$259.00 / acre   (485.0acres available)
This mix is specifically designed with regionally appropriate seeds to perform well in the Cold Desert Eco-Region. Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (5.19%), Ricegrass, Indian (3.49%), Sagebrush, Wyoming Big (27.82%), Oats, Jerry (5.19%), Beeflower, yellow (yellow bee plant) (0.37%), Beeplant, Rocky Mountain (0.83%), Bottlebrush squirreltail (1.76%), Wheatgrass, Thickspike (5.67%), Wheatgrass, Slender (7.51%), Fleabane, Showy (1.76%), Buckwheat, Cushion (Sulfer Flower) (0.31%), Sunflower, Annual (0.83%), Needle and thread (1.02%), Winterfat (0.69%), Wildrye, Basin (1.87%), Flax, Lewis (1.64%), Wheatgrass, Western (4.22%), Penstemon, Palmer's (1.74%), Bluegrass, Sandberg (VNS) (9.27%), Wheatgrass, Bluebunch (5.16%), Globemallow, scarlet (0.93%), Alkali sacaton (6.49%), Dropseed, Sand (6.23%), Updated 1/21/25

RW Cold Desert

$252.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This Mix is specifically designed with Regionally Appropriate species to perform in the Cold Desert Eco-region. Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (5.01%), Ricegrass, Indian (4.21%), Sagebrush, Wyoming Big (26.85%), Oats, Jerry (5.01%), Beeplant, Rocky Mountain (1.72%), Bottlebrush squirreltail (1.70%), Wheatgrass, Thickspike (8.22%), Wheatgrass, Slender (7.25%), Needle and thread (1.23%), Winterfat (0.67%), Wildrye, Basin (1.80%), Flax, Lewis (1.58%), Wheatgrass, Western (4.08%), Bluegrass, Sandberg (VNS) (8.95%), Wheatgrass, Bluebunch (4.98%), Globemallow, scarlet (0.90%), Alkali sacaton (7.83%), Dropseed, Sand (8.02%), Updated 1/21/25

RW Upper Gilia

$260.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This mix is specifically designed with regionally appropriate species to perform in the Gilia Eco-Region. Includes (%/pls): Yarrow (10.24%), Purple Three-Awn (2.74%), Oats, Jerry (7.17%), Sideoats grama (El Reno) (5.85%), Blue grama (8.23%), Beeplant, Rocky Mountain (1.17%), Bottlebrush squirreltail (3.48%), Fescue, Arizona (0.00%), Fescue, Idaho (8.23%), Blanketflower (3.41%), Gilla, globe (10.98%), Sunflower, Annual (0.82%), Junegrass, Prairie (12.70%), Aster, Prairie (Tahoika daisy) (1.49%), Switchgrass (Blackwell) (4.76%), Penstemon, Firecracker (1.15%), Globemallow, scarlet (0.91%), Alkali sacaton (6.40%), Dropseed, Sand (10.24%),

RW Ozark

$208.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This mix is specifically designed with regionally Appropriate species to perform with in the Ozark Eco-Region. Includes (%/PLS): Bluestem, Big (Kaw) (2.34%), Oats, Jerry (6.45%), Sideoats grama (El Reno) (3.69%), Blue grama (10.37%), Partridge Pea (3.00%), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (5.07%), Coreopsis, Plains (7.60%), Prairie Clover, Purple (3.34%), Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) (3.92%), Coneflower, Pale Purple (0.96%), Coneflower, Purple (2.95%), Lovegrass, Purple (2.44%), Indian blanket (1.94%), (), Sunflower, Maximillian (2.26%), Mint, Lemon (3.32%), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (10.23%), Susan, Black-eyed (8.30%), Bluestem, Little (Aldous) (16.59%), (), Dropseed, Rough (tall) (6.91%), Updated 1/21/25

RW Ozark Forest Diverse

$298.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This Diverse mix is designed to utilize regionally appropriate species that will perform with in the Ozark Eco-Region. Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (5.11%), Bluestem, Big (Kaw) (1.32%), Milkweed, Common (0.12%), Milkvetch, Canada (1.97%), Oats, Jerry (7.67%), Sideoats grama (El Reno) (2.92%), Blue grama (2.74%), Sedge, Fox (2.92%), Partridge Pea (2.37%), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (1.61%), Coreopsis, Plains (6.03%), Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) (3.10%), Coneflower, Pale Purple (0.30%), Coneflower, Purple (1.40%), Wildrye, Canada (Mandan) (2.10%), Lovegrass, Purple (1.55%), Fowl manna grass (1.46%), (), Alum Root (0.82%), Junegrass, Prairie (1.69%), Lespedeza, Roundhead (Bushclover) (0.23%), Lobelia, great blue (1.75%), Seedbox (1.52%), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (2.04%), Switchgrass (Blackwell) (2.37%), Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) (3.80%), Mint, Narrowleaf Mountain (Slender) (2.21%), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (2.70%), Coneflower, Grayheaded (Yellow) (2.29%), Susan, Black-eyed (5.48%), Susan, Brown-eyed (1.64%), Bluestem, Little (Aldous) (4.38%), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (0.92%), Indiangrass (Cheyenne) (3.20%), (), Dropseed, Rough (tall) (5.48%), Dropseed, Sand (2.04%), Aster, Heath (0.82%), Aster, Smooth Blue (0.74%), Aster, New England (0.80%), Aster, Sky Blue (Azure) (0.93%), Purple Top Tridens (3.40%), Vervain, Blue (1.64%), Vervain, Hoary (1.83%), Culver's Root (1.65%), Alexander, Golden (0.66%), Updated 1/21/25

RW Appalachian Forest Slope Mix

$357.00 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
This Diverse mix is specifically designed with regionally appropriate species to quickly establish and stabilize steep slopes in the Ozark Forest Eco-Region. Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (1.43%), Redtop (24.95%), Bentgrass, Auturmn (Upland) (4.07%), Oats, Jerry (0.71%), Partridge Pea (0.99%), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (0.56%), Coreopsis, Plains (2.10%), Orchardgrass (9.45%), Wildrye, Canada (Mandan) (1.17%), Fescue, Tall (Fawn) (6.93%), Red Fescue (10.18%), (), Rye grass, annual (6.29%), Rye Grass, Perennial (2.51%), Trefoil, Birdsfoot (0.95%), Switchgrass (Blackwell) (3.04%), Timothy (13.24%), Susan, Black-eyed (1.91%), Bluestem, Little (Aldous) (1.22%), Bluestem Little (Camper) (1.22%), Indiangrass (local or vns) (0.87%), (), Dropseed, Tall Composite (Rough) (2.44%), Clover, Alsike (1.73%), Clover, Crimson (0.76%), Clover, White (Dutch) (0.75%), Clover, Ladino (0.75%), Updated 1/21/25

RW Ouachita Forest

$317.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This mix is Specifically designed utilizing Regionally Appropriate species to perform well in the Ouachita Forest Eco-Region. Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (4.54%), Bluestem, Splitbeard (1.75%), Milkweed, Common (0.11%), Oats, Jerry (9.08%), Sideoats grama (El Reno) (2.60%), Sedge, Fox (5.19%), Partridge Pea (2.11%), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (1.43%), Coreopsis, Plains (5.35%), Prairie Clover, White (0.90%), Prairie Clover, Purple (4.70%), Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) (1.38%), Coneflower, Pale Purple (0.27%), Coneflower, Purple (1.04%), Wildrye, Canada (Mandan) (3.73%), Virginia Wild Rye (2.43%), Boneset, Common (0.83%), Fowl manna grass (1.30%), (), False Sunflower (0.45%), Lespedeza, Roundhead (Bushclover) (0.21%), Cardinal Flower (1.83%), Lobelia, great blue (1.82%), Seedbox (2.70%), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (1.82%), Mint, Dotted (Spotted Bee Balm) (0.42%), Goldenrod, Stiff (Rigid) (0.69%), Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) (0.67%), Mint, Narrowleaf Mountain (Slender) (2.94%), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (1.20%), Coneflower, Grayheaded (Yellow) (2.03%), Susan, Black-eyed (5.84%), Susan, Brown-eyed (1.45%), Bluestem, Little (Aldous) (7.79%), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (0.33%), (), Dropseed, Rough (tall) (12.17%), Aster, Smooth Blue (0.66%), Aster, New England (0.71%), Aster, Sky Blue (Azure) (0.83%), Purple Top Tridens (3.02%), Vervain, Hoary (0.81%), Culver's Root (1.83%), Alexander, Golden (0.59%), Updated 1/21/25

RW Appalachian Forest

$289.00 / acre   (470.0acres available)
This mix is designed utilizing Regionally Appropriate Species to perform in the Appalachian Forest Eco-Region. Includes (%/PLS: Yarrow (3.37%), Bentgrass, Auturmn (Upland) (4.81%), Milkweed, Swamp (Marsh) (0.08%), Milkweed, Common (0.08%), Oats, Jerry (3.37%), Blue Joint grass (2.16%), Sedge, Yellow-fruit (yellow fox) (0.87%), Sedge, Pointed Broom (Lance-Fruit Oval) (1.29%), Sedge, Fox (1.92%), Partridge Pea (1.56%), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (1.06%), Coreopsis, Plains (3.97%), Orchardgrass (11.16%), Coneflower, Purple (1.23%), Wildrye, Canada (Mandan) (1.38%), Virginia Wild Rye (1.80%), Goldenrod, Grass-leaved (0.67%), Fowl manna grass (0.96%), False Sunflower (0.83%), Lobelia, great blue (0.96%), Lobelia, Pale Spike (1.04%), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (1.35%), Switchgrass (Blackwell) (3.13%), Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) (2.50%), Timothy (15.64%), Mint, Narrowleaf Mountain (Slender) (1.45%), Susan, Black-eyed (7.22%), Susan, Brown-eyed (1.08%), Bluestem, Little (Aldous) (2.89%), Bluestem Little (Camper) (2.89%), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (0.61%), Dropseed, Tall Composite (Rough) (2.89%), Aster, Calico (0.00%), Aster, New England (0.53%), Aster, Frost (hairy white oldfield) (hairy) (0.00%), Purple Top Tridens (2.24%), Clover, Alsike (1.64%), Clover, Crimson (1.80%), Clover, White (Dutch) (2.13%), Clover, Ladino (2.13%), Vervain, Blue (1.08%), Culver's Root (1.36%), Alexander, Golden (0.88%), Updated 1/21/25

RW West Central Semi Arid

$216.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This mix is designed utilizing regionally appropriate species that perform in the West Central Semi Arid Eco-Region. Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (4.23%), Oats, Jerry (10.57%), Sideoats grama (Pierre) (3.02%), Blue grama (11.32%), Prairie Clover, White (2.10%), Prairie Clover, Purple (4.38%), Wheatgrass, Thickspike (8.66%), Wheatgrass, Slender (5.09%), Blanketflower (2.11%), Junegrass, Prairie (10.92%), Flax, Lewis (1.94%), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (4.23%), Needlegrass, green (10.53%), Wheatgrass, Western (5.37%), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (5.58%), Bluestem, Little (Badlands) (9.96%),

RW West Central Semi Arid Pollinator

$188.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
This Pollinator mix is designed with regionally appropriate species that will perform with in the West Central Semi Arid Eco-Region. Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (4.90%), Leadplant (0.88%), Milkweed, Showy (0.00%), Sideoats grama (El Reno) (3.50%), Blue grama (6.57%), Partridge Pea (2.85%), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (3.18%), Coreopsis, Plains (7.22%), Prairie Clover, White (3.41%), Prairie Clover, Purple (9.52%), Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) (3.72%), Blanketflower (2.45%), Sunflower, Annual (0.98%), Sunflower, Maximillian (0.43%), False Sunflower (0.60%), Mint, Lemon (6.93%), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (2.45%), Goldenrod, Stiff (Rigid) (1.54%), Switchgrass (Blackwell) (1.14%), Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) (1.82%), mexican hat (3.20%), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (3.24%), Coneflower, Grayheaded (Yellow) (0.82%), Susan, Black-eyed (7.35%), Bluestem, Little (Aldous) (5.25%), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (0.44%), Dropseed, Sand (14.71%), Aster, Smooth Blue (0.89%), Updated 1/21/25

RW Southern Solar 36"

$257.00 / acre   (2000.0acres available)
This mix is specigically designed for southern solar sites with a vegetation restriction of 36". Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (10.91%), Bluestem, Splitbeard (2.07%), Oats, Jerry (8.03%), Sedge, Fox (2.48%), Partridge Pea (1.24%), Coreopsis, bigflower (0.90%), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (1.69%), Coreopsis, Plains (12.32%), Prairie Clover, Purple (3.20%), Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) (3.25%), Coneflower, Purple (1.33%), Virginia Wild Rye (3.05%), Lovegrass, Purple (2.03%), Rattlesnake Master (0.68%), Lespedeza, Roundhead (Bushclover) (0.67%), Mint, Dotted (Spotted Bee Balm) (1.65%), Switchgrass (Blackwell) (2.49%), Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) (3.68%), Mint, Narrowleaf Mountain (Slender) (2.78%), Susan, Black-eyed (7.23%), Bluestem, Little (Aldous) (13.77%), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (0.39%), Dropseed, Tall Composite (Rough) (4.59%), Purple Top Tridens (8.89%), Alexander, Golden (0.70%),

Solar Array-Area Mix (under 24")

$250.00 / acre   (2000.0acres available)
Pollinator-friendly mix composed of native grasses, forbs, and legumes which provide the best all-around habitat for Honey Bees, Monarchs, all other pollinator species as well as our favorite upland birds! Mix designed to meet or exceed pollinator-friendly solar scorecards already in use in several states. Also, this mix is designed to grow within a approximately a 24" height range so it will not affect solar panels. Plan to use this mix in properly prepared soils and employ Integrated Vegetation Management and/or Conservation Grazing best practices to maintain and maximize operational savings. Click on mix title to place an order or view included species. Mix Summary:Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (6.46%), Bentgrass, Auturmn (Upland) (9.06%), Columbine (Red Columbine) (0.65%), Milkweed, Whorled (0.06%), Oats, Jerry (4.75%), Blue grama (7.25%), Sedge, Pointed Broom (Lance-Fruit Oval) (1.83%), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (1.19%), Coreopsis, Plains (4.75%), Prairie Clover, White (0.63%), Prairie Clover, Purple (0.70%), Fescue, Sheep (6.00%), Indian blanket (1.00%), Junegrass, Prairie (5.43%), Lespedeza, slender (0.35%), Seedbox (4.71%), Monkeyflower, allegheny (Square-stemmed) (8.57%), Mint, Lemon (1.30%), Bluegrass, Fowl (4.71%), Cinquefoil, prairie (potentilla) (1.07%), Mint, Narrowleaf Mountain (Slender) (1.37%), Susan, Black-eyed (6.67%), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (0.23%), Dropseed, Sand (1.27%), Clover, Alsike (3.85%), Clover, Crimson (1.70%), Clover, White (Dutch) (6.69%), Clover, Ladino (6.69%), Vervain, Hoary (0.45%), Alexander, Golden (0.62%), updated 1/21/25

Solar Array-Area Mix (under 36")

$250.00 / acre   (2000.0acres available)
This high-quality Pollinator-friendly mix composed of native grasses, and regionally appropriate forbs, and legumes which provide the best all-around habitat for Honey Bees, Monarch Butterflies, and all other pollinator species as well as our favorite upland birds! Mix designed to meet or exceed pollinator-friendly solar scorecards already in use in several states. Also, this mix is designed to grow within approximately a 36" height range so it will not affect solar panels. Plan to use this mix in properly prepared soils and employ Integrated Habitat Management best practices to maintain and maximize operational savings. Click on mix title to place an order or to see species list. Mix Summary: Includes (%/PLS ): Yarrow (7.18%), Bentgrass, Auturmn (Upland) (10.07%), Columbine (Red Columbine) (0.22%), Milkweed, Whorled (0.07%), Milkvetch, Canada (0.88%), Sideoats grama (local, vns) (2.74%), Blue grama (4.03%), Partridge Pea (1.75%), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (2.21%), Coreopsis, Plains (5.28%), Prairie Clover, White (1.40%), Prairie Clover, Purple (3.10%), Coneflower, Purple (0.69%), Wheatgrass, Slender (3.40%), Fescue, Sheep (3.34%), Indian blanket (1.11%), Junegrass, Prairie (6.44%), Lobelia, great blue (1.01%), Seedbox (5.23%), Monkeyflower, allegheny (Square-stemmed) (9.53%), Mint, Lemon (1.81%), Cinquefoil, prairie (potentilla) (1.97%), Mint, Narrowleaf Mountain (Slender) (1.52%), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (2.26%), Susan, Black-eyed (5.56%), Bluestem, Little (Aldous) (5.38%), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (0.63%), Dropseed, Tall Composite (Rough) (2.42%), Dropseed, Prairie (0.70%), Aster, Smooth Blue (0.51%), Aster, Calico (1.01%), Clover, Crimson (1.89%), Clover, White (Dutch) (1.49%), Clover, Ladino (1.49%), Vervain, Hoary (1.01%), Alexander, Golden (0.69%), Updated January 2025

RW Transportation Slope Mix

$308.00 / acre   (998.0acres available)
This heavily seeded hardy mix was designed for use on energy and transportation right-of-ways areas with greater than 3% slope.. It includes a very quick establishing first year nurse crop (rye / oats / crimson clover/ annual forbs) as well as 29 quick and easy to establish introduced and native grasses along with regionally appropriate wildflowers to provide benefits for wildlife and pollinators. Click on mix title to place an order or to see species list. Includes (%/PLS): Yarrow (2.30%), Bentgrass, Auturmn (Upland) (12.92%), Oats, Jerry (5.09%), Sideoats grama (local, vns) (2.34%), Blue grama (2.58%), Partridge Pea (2.25%), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (2.83%), Coreopsis, Plains (4.52%), Orchardgrass (3.75%), Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) (2.09%), Coneflower, Purple (0.89%), Wildrye, Canada (Mandan) (1.86%), Fescue, Tall (Fawn) (3.67%), Fescue, Sheep (8.57%), Red Fescue (6.46%), Indian blanket (0.71%), Sunflower, Annual (0.38%), Junegrass, Prairie (1.55%), Rye grass, annual (3.23%), Trefoil, Birdsfoot (0.30%), Alfalfa (VNS) (4.02%), Switchgrass (Blackwell) (1.58%), Beardtongue, Foxglove (Smooth penstemon) (1.34%), Timothy (4.97%), Coneflower, Grayheaded (Yellow) (2.53%), Susan, Black-eyed (4.76%), Small burnet (1.36%), Bluestem, Little (VNS) (1.73%), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (0.16%), Dropseed, Tall Composite (Rough) (1.94%), Purple Top Tridens (1.88%), Clover, Alsike (1.10%), Clover, Crimson (2.42%), Clover, White (Dutch) (0.95%), Clover, Ladino (0.95%), Updated January 2025

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