$320.00 / acre
(500.0acres available)
This Diverse mix is specifically designed with Regionally Appropriate Species that will perform well on Calcareous Glades, Barrens and Savannas. Includes (%/PLS): Winter Bentgrass (South East) (3.44%), Bentgrass, Auturmn (Upland) (3.24%), Milkweed, Butterfly (Butterflyweed) (0.11%), Milkvetch, Canada (3.42%), Indigo, Blue Wild (South East) (0.25%), Sideoats grama (El Reno) (2.43%), Senna, Maryland (0.26%), Partridge Pea (South East) (0.95%), River Oats (South East) (1.14%), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (South East) (2.23%), Coreopsis, Plains (16.19%), Prairie Clover, White (2.81%), Prairie Clover, Purple (3.81%), Illinois Bundleflower (South East) (3.04%), Coneflower, Pale Purple (1.05%), Rattlesnake Master (0.97%), Path Rush (South East) (5.06%), Lespedeza, slender (0.53%), Appalachian Blazing Star (0.04%), Bergamot, Wild (South East) (3.16%), Evening primrose, Common (3.48%), Switchgrass (Blackwell) (2.63%), wild quinine (0.45%), Hairy Mountain Mint (4.55%), Susan, Black-eyed (South East) (8.40%), Susan, Brown-eyed (2.53%), Bluestem, Little (VNS) (6.07%), Starry Rosinweed (South East) (0.05%), Compass Plant (0.09%), Goldenrod, Gray (Field) (Old Field) (2.02%), Indiangrass (South East) (2.30%), Aster, Frost (hairy white oldfield) (hairy) (South East) (2.27%), Purple Top Tridens (5.88%), Culver's Root (2.85%), Alexander, Golden (2.30%),
Updated 1/21/25