$359.00 / acre
(495.0acres available)
This 20 species mix, achieving 34 seeds per square foot, and balance at a 90% forb to 10% ratio, is designed based off the standards outlined in USDA Technical Note Plant Material No. 24, Plants for Pollinators in the Inland Northwest. Click on mix title to place an order or to view mix in the PF Seed Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Yarrow (0.055), Milkvetch, Canada (0.165), Balsamroot, Arrowleaf (0.2), Beeplant, Rocky Mountain (0.1), Prairie Clover, White (0.25), Prairie Clover, Purple (0.25), Wheatgrass, Snake River (1), Rabbitbrush, rubber (0.2), Buckwheat, Cushion (Sulfer Flower) (0.1), Blanketflower (0.75), Sunflower, Annual (1), Sunflower, Maximillian (0.75), Flax, Lewis (0.45), Biscuitroot, Fernleaf (0.05), Aster, Prairie (Tahoika daisy) (0.14), Evening primrose, Common (0.1), Penstemon, Rocky Mountain (0.35), Phacelia, Lacy (0.72), Bluegrass, Sandberg (VNS) (0.4), Globemallow, scarlet (0.09). Updated January 2025.