New Mexico Seed

Quality CRP and Other Habitat Seed designed for Wildlife

NM PF Mesa Wildlife Range Mix

$227.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
NM PF Mesa Wildlife Range Mix. More suited for the Plateau & Mesa Region/Zone 1 achieving 64 Pure Live Seeds per square foot and includes Winterfat and Fourwing Saltbush, along with 5 wildflowers and 9 grasses. Click on mix title to place an order and to view species and rates in the PFQF Seed Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Indian Ricegrass (0.75), 4 Wing Saltbush (0.4), Sideoats Grama (0.75), Blue grama (0.45), White Prairie Clover (0.2), Bottlebrush squirreltail (1), Indian blanket (0.4), Winterfat (0.2), Lewis Flax (0.2), Prairie Aster (0.1), Western Wheatgrass (1.25), Palmer's Penstemon (0.2), Galleta grass (0.5), Little Bluestem (1), Alkali sacaton (0.4), Sand Dropseed (0.1). Updated January 2025.

NM PF Rocky Mtn. & High Valley Wildlife Range Mix I

$210.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
NM PF Rocky Mtn. & High Valleys Wildlife Mix I. More suited for the Rocky Mountain & High Valley Region/Zone 2 including Winterfat and Four Winged Saltbush along with 7 native wildflowers and 9 native grasses. Click on mix title to place an order and to view species and rates of mix in the PFQF Seed Calculator.Includes (#s/ac): Indian Ricegrass (0.75), Sideoats grama (local, vns) (1), Blue grama (0.5), Fescue, Arizona (1), Wheatgrass, Western (1.75), Galleta grass (0.25), Bluestem, Little (VNS) (1.35), Alkali sacaton (0.3), Saltbush, 4 wing (0.4), Winterfat (0.2), Prairie Clover, White (0.2), Yarrow (0.05), Fleabane, Engelmanns (0.1), Gilla, globe (0.05), Penstemon, Palmer's (0.1), Penstemon, Rocky Mountain (0.1), Phacelia, Lacy (0.2). Updated January 2025.

NM PF Pecos Canadian Plains Wildlife Range Mix

$187.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
Includes (#s/ac): Yarrow (0.05), Saltbush, 4 wing (0.4), Sideoats grama (local, vns) (1), Buffalograss (1), Blue grama (0.5), Prairie Clover, White (0.2), Prairie Clover, Purple (0.25), Winterfat (0.2), Aster, Prairie (Tahoika daisy) (0.1), Wheatgrass, Western (1.25), Phacelia, Lacy (0.2), Galleta Grass (0.25), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (0.4), Bluestem, Little (VNS) (1), Alkali sacaton (0.3), Dropseed, Sand (0.09).

NM PF Native Pollinator (Gwen's Blend)

$139.00 / acre   (499.5acres available)
This mix was designed by wildlife professionals to provide diverse quality habitat benefitting pollinators, upland birds and a suite of other wildlife. It includes 4 native grasses and 19 flowering species providing color in all three bloom seasons. It was specifically designed for USFWS Partners Pollinator Projects but would provide great habitat across a wide variety of conservation objectives. Click on mix title to see a breakdown of individual species. Includes (#s/ac): Yarrow (0.03), Leadplant (0.05), Milkweed, Butterfly (Butterflyweed) (0.05), Sideoats grama (local, vns) (1), Blue grama (0.2), Beeplant, Rocky Mountain (0.25), Coreopsis, Lanceleaf (sand) (0.05), Coreopsis, Plains (0.02), Prairie Clover, Purple (0.1), Illinois Bundleflower (Prairie Mimosa) (0.3), Indian blanket (0.1), Sneezeweed (0.01), Sunflower, Maximillian (0.1), False Sunflower (0.15), Flax, blue (0.2), Bergamot, Wild (Prairie Beebalm) (0.04), Coneflower, Prairie (Long-headed) (0.1), Susan, Black-eyed (0.05), Bluestem, Little (VNS) (1.2), Goldenrod, Canada (0.005), Indiangrass (local or vns) (0.3), Aster, Heath (0.01), Vervain, Hoary (0.05).

NM PF Desert Basins, Plains, Mountains Wildlife Range

$228.00 / acre   (500.0acres available)
NM PF Desert Basins, Plains, Mountains Wildlife Range is well suited for the Southern Desert Basins, Plains, and Mountain Region/Zone 5. Mix achieves 61 Pure Live Seed per square foot and includes Winterfat and Four Winged Saltbush along with 9 native wildflowers and 8 native grasses. Click on mix title to place an order and to view species and rates of mix in the PFQF Seed Calculator. Includes (#s/ac): Yarrow (0.05), 4 Wing Saltbush (0.4), Desert Marigold (0.07), Sideoats Grama (1), Blue grama (0.5), White Prairie Clover (0.2), Bottlebrush squirreltail (1), Indian blanket (0.3), Needle and Thread (0.25), Winterfat (0.2), Lewis Flax (0.2), Prairie Aster (0.1), Western Wheatgrass (1.25), Lacy Phacelia (0.2), Prairie Coneflower (0.2), Little Bluestem (1), Globemallow, scarlet (0.05), Alkali sacaton (0.3), Sand Dropseed (0.09). Updated January 2025.

High & Dry, Rack & Fly (25# BAG)

$99.00 / bag   (897.0bags available)
1 Bag Plants 1.5 Acres. High & Dry, Rack & Fly is a dryer climate, highly-diverse blend of legumes, forbs, brassicas, and spring variety grains. This mix provides early season brood food sources, deer and turkey buffet items, and year-round cover. A blend of 17 varieties of legumes, forbs, brassicas, and small grains including spring triticale, annual phacelia, austrian winter peas, clover, hairy and common vetch, mustards, mung bean, rape, safflower, collards, tubers, buckwheat, and sorghum sudan grass. Click on mix title to place an order. .


$75.50 / acre   (1000.0acres available)
1 Bag Plants 1 Acre. Dryland Food Plot -Designed for drier climates this food plot includes a blend of Spring Triticale, Field Peas, Sorghum Sudan Grass, Annual Ryegrass, Purple Top Turnups, Forage Radish. 65LBS PER BAG/ACRE. Click on mix title to place an order.

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